Young Master and His Super Inferno Lover

Chatper 142

Evelyn glanced coldly at their father and son, "A few days ago, the matter of Planet Maca was caused by your brother?"

Nokowicz paused and said, "I don\'t know.

Evelyn said coldly, and the person had already walked out, "Is this what your brother is like?

Nokevich didn\'t speak, and watched the two of them leave, and when he saw them go out, he turned around and continued to run inside.

Grandpa, Grandpa! Nokevich rushed into the villa, didn\'t see Grandpa in the living room, went to the dining room, and saw the old man sitting at the table, staring at a table of delicious food.

Nokowicz thinks it\'s abnormal. His old man likes food and pets. Food can be eaten every day, but pets cannot be kept. So far, the old man has raised many pets, but they all die tragically due to various reasons. Among them, the most common cause of death. It\'s just being held to death one by one!

The old man always thinks that his pet will have the same appetite as him, so as long as he is eating, he must prepare some for the pet, so the tragedy continues.

Such an old man who likes food, it is absolutely abnormal that he is in a daze for food today.

"Grandpa? Nokevich sat down on a chair next to him, reached for an egg roll and took a bite, "Why did they suddenly come over?

The old man sighed, "Isn\'t it here for Lesser\'s marriage?

Marriage, cough, cough... Nockwich was choked, and hurriedly picked up a glass of water on the table and poured it down.

The old man gave him a disdainful look, and continued to sigh, "Why do you think Layser is so obedient? I wish he didn\'t follow the instructions of his ancestors, and it would be better for him to have an illegitimate child, and it would be better than the current situation."

"Grandpa, grandpa, what are you talking about? Nokovitch finally stopped coughing.

"The royal family has arranged a marriage for Laise. The old man said with a frown.

!!!! Nokowicz: "Who?!"

Who else?" The old man said annoyed.

That Hugh, Hughes?! Nokowicz couldn\'t believe what he heard, "The royal family is really going to marry Hughes to Leather? That\'s his own son! My mother\'s own nephew! Are they crazy? Now? Don\'t you know that there will be fools even if the descendants of artificially conceived children are close relatives?

You know, how could they not know, just because they knew it, they would do this. It would be better to cut the line of Lesser to him, which would be in line with the royal family\'s wishes? And only in this way, can we completely cut off Lesser and give birth to a powerful The possibility of future generations, they can sit back and relax.

Nokevich was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, and after a long while of anger, he remembered his purpose, and suddenly laughed happily.

The old man took his eyes and squinted him.

While laughing, Nokevich slapped the table wildly, "Hahahaha, Grandpa, I want to tell you one thing, the royal family must know, it must be crazy, hahahahahaha...

The old man stared at him with a sullen face.

Nokovich held back a smile and said, "Grandpa, let me tell you, Leather has an illegitimate child, and there are more than one, hahahaha!

Father: "...

The first reaction was to reach out and knock it on the eldest grandson\'s head, "Are you stupid? Do you think Laise is not like you?

Grandpa, what I said is true, I came here today because of this! Nokovich covered his head in grievance and tried his best.

The old man, however, had no love for life, and sighed: "Now I just hope that Lesser can develop faster with the girls of the Carino family, and it would be best to have an illegitimate child, so no matter what choice, at least Lesser has A normal descendant."

Grandpa, why don\'t you believe me? I really, really mean it. Nokevich scratched his head anxiously.

The old man stared at Nokovic, and Nokovic thought that the old man finally came to his senses, but unexpectedly, the old man watched for a long time, and suddenly said: "Vickey, why don\'t you urge your brother to let him ignore the house rules, don\'t worry. Live boldly."

What am I urging, Grandpa! Nokovitch was about to cry, jumped up and walked around the table, suddenly thought of it, and hurriedly opened the terminal and rummaged in it, "Grandpa, let me tell you, Leather, he is absolutely He\'s not as good as you think. He really has an illegitimate child. If you don\'t believe me, I\'ll look for it for you. I even got the photo. It looks exactly like Lesser. I found it. Look, Grandpa, see for yourself.

Nokowicz turned out the photo sent by Eleanor, and opened it for the old man to see, "Look, Grandpa, see for yourself.

The old man stared at the external screen in front of him with his old eyes, and looked at it for a long time, "Isn\'t this a photo of Lesser when he was a child?

Nokevich almost fell on the ground without standing still, "You are my grandfather, this is not Leather, please take a closer look."

The old man looked at it carefully again, and said clearly: "You changed Laiser\'s hair color?

Nokevich was going crazy, "Dear grandfather, take a closer look, it\'s really not Leather!" The old man looked seriously again, this time he was not staring at his looks and hair color, but his eyes. The more shocked he looked, no one was more familiar with Lesser\'s eyes than him. It was the pride of the entire Aslan family. He didn\'t know how familiar he was with these eyes, but the eyes in the photo were even better than Lesser\'s. The eyes are still clear and transparent, what does this mean?

Looking at the old man\'s shocked and unbelievable look, Nokowicz touched his nose. When he thought of what he had done, Nokowicz felt a little lack of confidence, "This is Laiser\'s youngest son, named Jia. Lan, will be seven years old soon.

The old man looked at Nokovich tremblingly, and asked in disbelief, "You... what you said is true?"

How could I lie to you, Galan also has an older brother named Gala, they are a pair of twins, and according to Lesser, these two boys have awakened now. When Nokevich said this, he was still very shocked.

Two or two? All awakened?" The old man no longer knew how to react, so he could only repeat Nokovich\'s words mechanically.

Yes, and both of them are psionic purple seals, they are the five-seal spiritual masters when they wake up, and the potential value of both children is as high as 300! When Nokovic said these words, he held his breath until Now he still feels incredible, unless the two children really stand in front of him and show their strength in front of him, he can have a sense of reality.

"This is absolutely impossible. I woke up at the age of six, both of them are psychic purple seals, and they are still five-seal spiritual masters just after awakening. More importantly, the potential value, which can be as high as this value has never appeared. !

To say that the old man believed Nokovich\'s words at the beginning, but the more he talked about it, the less he believed it. This is really ridiculous, even if it is imagined, no one dares to imagine it is so perfect, it is just a daydream!

Nokowicz said sternly: "Grandpa, this is true. I sent someone to bring Laiser back, but I accidentally found these two children, because the two children didn\'t look alike, I sent them People recognized at a glance that those eyes were the heirs of our Aslan family, and they asked me what to do. When I saw the photo, I was completely stunned. And he was still such a pure blood, so he asked the people who sent them to bring the child back no matter what, but they failed to take the child. Later, Lasser knew about this, and he had a big tantrum with me. , Blame me for disrupting his plan, he never left the Maca planet, he just stayed by the father and son\'s side, and wanted to bring them back to the Rose Star Territory together, but because of my rashness, the other party misunderstood...

Wait, the old man suddenly interrupted Nokovic, "Father and son? What do you mean?

Nokevich stared at the old man, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Grandpa, do you remember the person named Mu Yunshen who I told you last time?

The man Leather likes? It\'s about the grandson, and the master must remember it best.

That\'s right, he gave birth to those two children for Leather. Nokevich said slowly.

old man:…

Man... having a baby?!!!!

"He\'s a male airman. Knokwich finally dropped the bombshell.

The old man: "!!!!???

Afraid of provoking the old man, Nokowicz hurriedly helped the sluggish old man to calm down, and softly persuaded: "Grandpa, don\'t worry, the situation is still under control, there is no problem at all, don\'t worry first. what.

The old man almost didn\'t take a breath, and after a long time, he was relieved by the eldest grandson\'s patting, and tremblingly stretched out his hand and grabbed the eldest grandson\'s arm, "You... are all this true?

It\'s the real grandfather. I shouldn\'t have told you about this matter. Lesser has never told you. He may have his own arrangements. When the time is right, he will definitely confess to you, but now, I can\'t wait. !

Before Nokowicz could finish speaking, the old man began to meditate in a trance, "The child who is more than six years old, almost seven years old, was born to Laise by Mu Yunshen. If he was taken away, he would already be pregnant with the child of our Aslan family.

Nokevich: "...Dear grandpa, can you not remember so clearly?

The old man was stunned for a long time, and then suddenly burst out. He grabbed the chopsticks on the table and knocked on Nokovic. When Nokovic heard the old man mentioning this, he knew that the situation was not good. Sure enough, the old man was going to get up. When he was beaten up, Nokvici rushed out when the old man jumped up, perfectly avoiding the attack of the old man\'s chopsticks, and screamed as he ran.

Grandpa, this can\'t be all my fault! Lesser himself didn\'t know that he was pregnant with his seed, and that\'s what happened later, how could I know!