You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 92

He doesn't know what happened to him.

He's never loved a person like that.

See that child, snow-white face, tightly closed eyes, lifeless lying in Ye Xingbei's arms, he seems to have been cut off a piece in his heart with a knife, bloody holes, pulled his viscera are painful.

Maybe the child is too dependent on him and loves him too much.

Seeing him, the child cried "Dad, Dad", full of worship and admiration, as if he were his world, as if even if the sky fell, he was not afraid.

Because he has a dad.

Being loved, trusted and depended by him, he fell in love with the child in just two days.

It doesn't matter if there is no blood relationship. He just loves him.

Is to see him like, see him happy, see him want to hold him in the heart.

However, he wanted to hold on the top of his heart, and now he was bullied.

He was viciously pushed away, hurt the back of the brain, blood stained wet his hair.

He lay in front of him, eyes closed, weak let his viscera are twisted together, deep heart pain.

Gu Qingrun quickly came, first did a simple examination, comforted Ye Xingbei who almost fainted: "young lady, don't worry, it should be just a concussion, temporarily fainted, there's no big problem. I'll do a simple bandage for the young master first, and then we'll go to the hospital to do a comprehensive examination for the young master."

Things in my head can be big or small.

Especially the hindbrain.

Every year, people who fall on the back of the brain or are injured in the back of the brain die. What's more, they are only children of a few years old. They are as fragile as fragile glass. Gu Qingrun doesn't dare to be careless.

Ye Xingbei has been scared out of his wits, Gu Qingrun said, she just nodded.

Seeing that Gu Qingrun had bandaged up her son's wound, she wanted to hold him up, but she was too frightened, her hands and feet were weak, and she had no strength at all.

Gu Jun pursed his lips, took the little guy from her arms without saying a word, and strode out.

After Xie Yunlin, he took a cold look at Xie Yunlin. Without saying a word, he held the little guy and walked away.

Xie Yunlin is his favorite younger generation.

He was brought by master Xie since he was a child. He is the successor of master Xie.

Xie Yunlin thinks that he has seen numerous storms and waves, and he has trained himself to be as good as before on any occasion.

But before Gu Jun left, he just saw that his heart was cold, his scalp was numb, and he was in a cold sweat.

A thought sprang up in his mind: it's over.

Bingzi, it's over.

Even with his grandfather and Xiang's two towering backers, Xiang Bingzi can't get through this.

If not, his aunt and uncle would be involved and buried with her.

Xie Yunlin clenched his fist, but he couldn't help it. He turned around and slapped Xiang Bingzi, who had just got up from the ground, in a cold voice

Gu Junzhu just that kick is very heavy, directly put Xiang Bingzi kick vomit blood, chest bone head seems to be broken.

Xiang Bingzi almost fainted with pain.

She was so easy to get up from the ground that she was slapped by Xie Yunlin and fell back to the ground.

She was almost mad, struggling to sit up from the ground, thumping and roaring: "Xie Yunlin! Are you out of you mind? You dare to hit me! I'll tell my grandfather when I go back. How dare you beat me , the fastest update of the webnovel!