You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 85

The little guy clings to her arms and puts his arms around her waist. "I'm worried about mom. I don't want to go to school."

He looked up at Ye Xingbei: "Mom, don't be angry. If you don't go to school, you can get first in the exam! I'll never be the first in the exam. If I can't be the first in the exam, my mother will spank me

His eyes were clean and clear, full of uneasiness and attachment.

Ye Xingbei, a soft hearted man, rubbed his head and said with a smile, "mom is not angry! Xiaoshu is only five years old. He is in the third grade too early. He is an unreliable uncle. He sent Xiaoshu to primary school. Otherwise, we should go to kindergarten now. It doesn't matter if we can't get the first place in the exam. If we can't keep up with our study, we will resume classes next year. Xiaoshu is still small and has plenty of time. "

"No, Xiaoshu likes third grade!" The little guy shakes his head and hugs Ye Xingbei, "Xiaoshu not only has to study in the third grade, but also has to jump! Xiaoshu wants to graduate from university very early, go to work, earn a lot of money, and let her mother enjoy happiness. "

"Ghost spirit, who taught you all this?" Ye Xingbei was amused by him and scratched his little nose: "going to school is also a kind of enjoyment. My mother doesn't need the little tree to make money. My mother wants the little tree to grow up like other people's children, step by step, steady, safe and happy."

The little guy attached his little face to Ye Xingbei's arms and gently rubbed: "as long as my mother accompanies the little tree, the little tree will be very happy, very happy!"

Ye Xingbei hugged his son and bowed his head to kiss him.

Although her son didn't say it, ye Xingbei could see that her son was scared last night.

At that time, she was kneeling by Xie Jinfei. She didn't see when the little guy came in.

Have you seen Xiang Bingzi with a dagger and slash her fiercely.

If the little guy sees it, I don't know if it will leave him a psychological shadow.

It is said that Xiaoshu is smart, but no matter how smart he is, he is only a five-year-old.

Children's hearts are always very fragile.

Ye Xingbei doesn't dare to ask. She is afraid that if the child doesn't see it, she will make the child more afraid.

She can only secretly make up her mind to spend more time with her son and coax him into forgetting what happened last night as soon as possible.

The door was gently pushed open, and the little guy twisted his little body to look at it. His big eyes, which were misty with water, suddenly lit up. The small voice, which was originally wilting, suddenly became crisp: "Dad!"

Gu Jun walks in with a smile and rubs the little guy's head first. Then he looks at Ye Xingbei: "wake up?"

"Well." Ye Xingbei nodded somewhat embarrassed and twisted his face to the side, trying not to let Gu Junzhu see.

Although she just woke up and didn't come to look in the mirror, she also thought that all night long, the bruises on her face must have not faded.

Now it's daybreak. I can see everything very carefully.

She must be very ugly now!

Gu Junzhu looked at her embarrassed little appearance, laughed, rubbed the little guy's head, "wake up and wash, accompany our son downstairs to eat."

Ye Xingbei was surprised and looked at his son: "little tree, you haven't had breakfast yet?"

When she woke up, she saw her son sitting next to her, dressed and reading. She thought the little guy was full.

Gu Junzhu patted the little guy's head and said, "I won't eat anything by myself. I must wait for you to wake up and eat with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!