You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 79

Palm wind hit, leaf Star North subconsciously backward two steps away.

Xiang Bingzi slapped her in the air and became more furious. She rushed toward Ye Xingbei like a wolf: "little bitch, you are a man who can rob my mother. Don't hide if you can! I can't kill you! "

Ye Xingbei, a well-dressed young lady with gold and silver, is full of foul language. She frowns and grabs her wrist. She frowns and says, "be polite! I'm not interested in your man, and I didn't give him any medicine! "

Ye Xinglan personally taught her self-defense skills for a period of time. Maybe it's not good to deal with men who have some Kung Fu, but it's more than enough to deal with Xiang Bingzi.

Xiang Bingzi no matter how struggling, can't escape the shackles of Ye Xingbei, gas of she scolds more ferocious.

Ye Xingbei doesn't like swearing, but she can't scold her. She scolds her too much, and even her ancestor eight generations greet her. He raises his hand and slaps her in the face angrily, "shut up! If you scold me again, I won't be polite! "

Two women fight, originally did not want to participate in Xie Jinfei, see his cousin suffered, immediately stand up, toward the two people.

Xiang Bingzi was so big that when he was slapped in the face for the first time, he was furious, struggling desperately, using both hands and feet, kicking and kicking, and scolding even worse.

Ye Xingbei has never met a young girl with such a dirty mouth. She rubs her heart and scorns her. She kicks her foot in Xiang Bingzi's knee and kneels her on the ground. Her backhand twists her arm behind her back and presses her head on the ground. "Shut up! Do you believe me to pull out your teeth again

Xie Jinfei saw his cousin was kneeling on the ground, his face suddenly cold into a millennium ice.

He strode over and kicked his foot toward Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei quickly steps back to avoid it. Xie Jinfei steps forward and locks his throat. His five fingers become claws and buckle to Ye Xingbei's throat.

Ye Xingbei continues to retreat, trying to get out of the way.

The self-defense skill she learned from ye Xinglan is the common anti wolf skill.

It's OK to deal with ordinary little gangsters who don't know martial arts. It's not enough to deal with Xie Jinfei, an expert who has been learning martial arts systematically since he was a child.

But three two, leaf Star North was Xie Jinfei reversed twist arm, press kneel on the ground.

Xiang Bingzi saw, red eyes rushed over, severely kicked Ye Xingbei a few feet, and grabbed Ye Xingbei's hair, forced Ye Xingbei to raise his head, pointed at Ye Xingbei's face, left and right bow, one breath hit a dozen ears, while hit and scolded: "little bitch, you dare to rob my man, also dare to hit my mother, I can't kill you!"

Ye Xingbei's arm is twisted behind by Xie Jinfei, and the pain is like being pulled down from his body.

She was kneeling on the ground by Xie Jinfei. Before she recovered, Xiang Bingzi slapped her in the face.

There was a smell of blood in her mouth and nose. She was black in front of her eyes, and her ears were buzzing.

This series of changes happened in an instant.

Until ye Xingbei is knelt on the ground with her arms twisted by Xie Jinfei and slapped in the face by Xiang Bingzi's fan, ye Xingbei doesn't understand how she and Xie Jinfei's long-term reunion has become like this.

In a hurry, she can't help but turn her head and look at Xie Jinfei, who is twisting her arm in the opposite direction. She calls in a hoarse voice: "second brother?"

This is her second brother!

Her brother!

Even if Xie Jinfei does not know that she is his own sister, she still thinks that she is Jiang Zhengxing's daughter, and she is also his cousin!

He just sat happily with Jiang Siyou and Jiangling Yuqi. How can he be so cruel to her now?

"Second brother? Now I know I'm your second brother. What did I do when I hit my cousin? " Xie Jinfei sneered and looked scornful. "I had a baby with a wild man at the age of 16. When I was 21, I just returned home, and I took medicine to make love with a wild man. I didn't have such a vulgar sister like you!"

Ye Xingbei opened his eyes and looked at him foolishly.

This is her second brother?

Looking at Xie Jinfei's scornful eyes, ye Xingbei's heart is cool.

Sure enough, she has no relatives.

She shouldn't have any unrealistic fantasies about her brother.

When she talks to Xie Jinfei, Xiang Bingzi is still beating and kicking her. When she calls Xie Jinfei "second brother", Xiang Bingzi's face is even more ferocious. She grabs her hair, forces her to turn her head, slaps her in the face, turns back, grabs a knife from the coffee table, raises her hand and cuts her face: "little bitch, rob my man, still Trying to seduce my cousin! When I destroy your charming face, I don't think you can seduce a man! "

The sharp blade is shining with a cold light, and cuts fiercely towards Ye Xingbei's right cheek , the fastest update of the webnovel!