You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 785

"Not before, but now," Gu Jun said in a dumb voice, "Fang Lutong will give Fang Yao the whole Fang family. If Fang Lutong does that, Fang Yixian and Fang Mingzhu will have nothing."

His voice was sad and bitter.

At the moment, he had only one idea in his mind: if he didn't help Fang Yao fight for the inheritance of the Fang family, wouldn't Joey die?

It's him He's the one who killed Joey

Ye Xingbei noticed something and frowned more tightly.

After staring at Gu Junzhu for a while, she suddenly raised her hand to hold his face, looked into his eyes seriously and asked, "Gu Junzhu, tell me, are you blaming yourself? Do you think you didn't protect Joey well, or do you think if you didn't participate in the affairs of the Fang family, Fang Yao's life experience would not be exposed, Fang Yao would not get the inheritance right of the Fang family, and Joey would not die for it? "

Gu Jun raised his hand to hold her hand. He took her hand off his face and held it in the palm of his hand. He didn't speak.

"Gu Junzhu, don't think like this. If you think like this, I will be disappointed with you," Ye Xingbei looked at him seriously and said, "only the weak will encounter things, so you should take all the responsibility on yourself. You are the strong, you shouldn't be like this."

Gu Junzhu looked at her, still did not speak.

Ye Xingbei clenched his hand and looked straight into his eyes: "Gu Junzhu, don't think too much of yourself. You are human, you are not God, you are just a little intelligent ordinary person. You don't have the ability to calculate. You don't have the ability to bear other people's fate and other people's life and death."

Gu Jun looked at her with deep eyes.

Ye Xingbei pursed her lips. "If Fang Mingzhu is the one who hired the murderer to kill, that means Fang Mingzhu is a twisted and vicious person. Xiao Qiao likes misheng and refuses to accept Fang Mingzhu. According to her twisted and vicious personality, she will still kill people. If so, the sniper will still appear and the target will be Xiao Qiao. In order to protect her younger brother, Joey may still die..."

Gu Junzhu finally said faintly, "the second shot is aimed at misheng. Joey pours at Qiao Zui, just in front of misheng..."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded and said, "if you don't expose the Fang family's affairs and Fang Yao doesn't get involved in this resentment, it's misheng who Fang Mingzhu hired to kill today. Qiao Zui will surely save misheng. He will still be hit in the shoulder. Joey cares about his brother, or he will pounce on Qiao Zui. She will still die..."

Gu Junzhu shook his head and wry smile, "these are all hypotheses..."

Ye Xingbei said: "what you think in your heart, if it wasn't for you to crack down on the Fang family's plot, maybe Joey wouldn't die. It's also a hypothesis. Without what you've done, Joey might still be dead. "

Gu Jun vomited a mouthful of turbid gas, raised his hand to touch her head, "don't worry, I'm ok."

Even if there are regrets, remorse, regret, and the burning pain caused by too late to save Joey, he is still Gu Junzhu.

He also has the obligations and responsibilities that he continues to carry.

He won't feel sorry for himself, let alone get down.

Seeing that his eyes were full of brilliance and no longer as dull as they had just been, ye Xingbei was relieved and changed the topic: "if the second shot was aimed at misheng, I think Fang Mingzhu didn't run away, but I don't know how she could contact a sniper as a daughter."

Gu Jun said faintly: "check to know, done will leave traces, she can't run." , the fastest update of the webnovel!