You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 774

For such a big company, it doesn't mean that you can hand it over. There are a lot of procedures to go through.

Fang Yao suddenly said, "I don't want Fang's, I just want my grandfather's."

Fang Lutong looked at him painfully: "ah Yao?"

Fang Yao said lightly: "I don't want to be involved with the Fang family for the rest of my life."

Gu Jun guessed that Fang Yao's answer would be like this. Looking at Fang Lutong and Fang Yixian, he said with a faint smile, "that's it. Tomorrow, the lawyer team and the working group will enter Fang's house and divide the property of Fang's house and Si's house. They will cooperate with each other."

From the heart, both fanglutong and fangyixian have good character.

Fang Lutong is soft hearted. He has been keen on charity since he was in his twenties. He has set up a poverty alleviation fund and a hope primary school, and has done a lot of good things.

All his bad intentions in his life have been used by Siqi.

But in Gu Junzhu's opinion, Siqi is not a good thing.

She left her son to the Fang family, and she never took care of him again.

As for why no matter, Gu Jun by hair can think out.

She was afraid that MI Jun would not be happy.

She wants to completely cut off the connection with the past.

In the final analysis, it was only selfishness, for her own interests, regardless of Fang Yao's life or death.

When these two people get together, the dog bites the dog and the villain grinds.

For the sake of Fang Lutong's good deeds, Gu Junzhu has no intention of killing him.

If Fang Yao refused to accept his compensation, he would suffer more.

What he owed to Yao, for the rest of his life, will be like a poisonous insect, eating him bit by bit.

Every day after that, he will live in pain.

This is the biggest punishment for him.

Dust settled, Gu Jun by lazy again in this group of people to spend time, with Ye Xingbei left ahead of time.

Fang Yao, misheng and Qiao are drunk and stay in the ward.

Wenwan is Fang Yao's and misheng's aunt. The doctor said that her time is running out. No matter out of sympathy or blood, Fang Yao and misheng should do their filial piety by the bed.

In the car, ye Xingbei nestled in Gu junzhuo's arms, sullen, and said: "in fact, it's cheap Fang Haichuan! If only he hadn't died, I would have watched him put in prison with my own eyes, and then locked him up with the most ferocious criminals, and let them beat him every day! "

"It's true that he took advantage of him when he was alive, but is it retribution for his restlessness after his death?" Gu Jun rubbed her head with a smile, took out her mobile phone and opened a video link to show her.

The video was shot by netizens' mobile phones and spread to the Internet. The main title of the video is "tombs of rich and powerful families are dug, ashes are eaten by wild dogs".

Ye Xingbei suddenly widened his eyes, "this This is... "

"Wenwan asked for someone to do it," Gu Junzhu said with a faint smile. "After Xiaoqi picked her up from the mental hospital, she knew Fang Haichuan was dead, so she proposed to borrow money from Xiaoqi. I agreed. Xiaoqi lent a sum of money to her. Yao, the grandmother, was also a figure. She dragged her sick body and found several gangsters in the ward. Last night, Those gangsters dug up Fang Haichuan's tomb, scattered the ashes on the ground, mixed them with dog food, and then led the wild dogs to the tomb. The wild dogs gnawed the ashes. Now Fang Lutong and Fang Yixian will be able to recover some of the ashes. "

Ye Xingbei listens to Jieqi, but finally thinks about it. It's hard to calm down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!