You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 750

Ye Xingbei was still full of doubts: "how do you explain that Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan will send mi Junyuan's son to Fang's house? Is Fang Lutong stupid? Why didn't he think about it? Why didn't they give their good sons to them? Because it's his son, misheng and MI Junyuan will send the child to him, OK

Gu Jun tilted his lips: "it should be that Mr. Fang thought of a way to deceive Fang Lutong. For example, the rice family didn't admit the unmarried child, and wanted Mr. Fang to help raise a Yao for the time being. After Fang Siqi got a firm foothold in the rice family, he would take a Yao or something. After all, Fang Siqi was Fang Haichuan's adopted daughter and put the unmarried child in foster care for the time being In the adoptive father's family, it is also reasonable. "

Gu Jun rubbed her head. "I said that it's too easy for parents to cheat their children, because in the eyes of their children, parents will never harm them. They unconditionally believe anything their parents tell them. With Fang Haichuan's resourcefulness and malice, they cheat their son, which is as simple as eating radish and vegetables."

"I think Fang Haichuan should have cheated Fang Lutong in other ways?" Ye Xingbei pondered and said: "you just speculated that some people can't help deliberating. If, as you said, Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan only foster their children in Fang's family, how can this foster care be for so many years? Ah Yao has suffered a lot in Fang's family, and they haven't seen Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan take them back? Even if Fang Lutong is stupid, he has a head, right? Isn't he surprised? "

Gu junzhuxiao, fingertips in the mobile phone point a few times, and turned out a message: "you see here, few people know, Fang family at that time also made such a."

Ye Xingbei read it carefully, "it says The first adopted child of the Fang family died. They were very sad and adopted another child? "

Ye Xingbei looked up at Gu Junzhu, "what is this ghost?"

"This is to say that the Fang family told mi Junyuan that MI Junyuan's son, who was fostered in their family, died. They were very sad, so they came back with another child as their emotional sustenance," Gu Jun chuckled. "This is also the real reason why ah Yao's registered permanent residence book is one year younger than his real age. Fang Lutong thought of all the ways to keep ah Yao."

Ye Xingbei suddenly realized: "Fang Lu used such a trick. He thought he had cheated mi Junyuan. He thought mi Junyuan really thought he had a dead son, so he didn't come to him for a son. In fact, ah Yao was his son. Mi Junyuan never thought of coming to ah Yao?"

Gu Jun nodded, "yes, I speculated like this, but I still just said that, I still need empirical evidence."

Ye Xingbei wiped his forehead and said with shame: "this is a mess! Fang Haichuan and Fang Lutong are both insane. They have made such a big turn. What is the reason for that? "

Gu Jun bent his lips and said: "this is the reality. If you tell a lie, you need to tell another 100 lies to complete it. One lie, another lie, if you tell it, it may be revealed one day."

Ye Xingbei fiercely lies on the pillow, eyes straight at the roof, waving: "I can't, I can't, there's too much information, I'm going to explode, my brain has become paste." , the fastest update of the webnovel!