You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 745

Ye Xingbei stroked his thoughts: "so warm is a Yao and Xiaomi's grandmother? Is Wenwan the aunt of Yao and Xiaomi? "

Gu Jun nodded: "yes."

Ye Xingbei frowned: "does Siqi know all this? Does she know that Fang Haichuan killed her parents? Do you know that Fang Haichuan put her aunt in a mental hospital in order to help her parents get revenge

"I don't know," Gu Junzhu said softly, "after Wen Wan died, Fang Haichuan adopted Si Qi in order to receive the inheritance of Si Pingyuan. Si Pingyuan is an orphan. There is no one in his family. Wen Wan has only one sister. He was sent to a mental hospital. After he adopted Si Qi, he successfully took over all the shares of Si Pingyuan. The company that originally belonged to him and Si Pingyuan became Haichuan's own. "

"Beast! What a beast The leaf Star North lung wants to be angry to explode, "how can there be so ruthless person in this world?"? He killed both his husband and wife, took their daughter, and swallowed their property. How can Si Pingyuan and Wen not survive? "

Gu Junzhu comforted Ye Xingbei's head like a cat. He sighed softly: "what I regret most is that Fang Haichuan actually died. He died easily. People like him should be cut to pieces and tortured to death."

"Yes Ye Xingbei nodded his head and thought of Fang Yao. He was very sad: "no wonder you called me to the bedroom to talk to me about this. If you let a Yao know, a Yao must collapse!"

The most beloved grandfather turned out to be the enemy of his family. I want to know how miserable it is.

"First slowly and then talk to ah Yao," Gu Junzhu said, "at least wait until his injury is better."

"Mm-hmm," Ye Xingbei nodded forcefully and agreed: "what about Siqi? When will you tell her that her parents were killed by Fang Haichuan, so that she won't be a father again? "

"That's not right," she said after a pause. "When Fang Haichuan died, Siqi didn't come to express his condolence. Does that mean that the relationship between Fang Haichuan and Siqi has long been broken?"

"Well," Gu Junzhu said, "it should be because of the emotional entanglement between Siqi and fanglutong."

"So the question is, whose son is ah Yao?" Thinking of this problem, ye Xingbei is as uncomfortable as scratching his heart and liver: "now I especially hope that ah Yao is the son of MI Junyuan, not the son of Fang Lutong!"

Fang Lutong's father killed Fang Yao's grandfather.

Even if Fang Yao and his grandfather have no feelings, this fact will make people very uncomfortable.

Although she did not know whether mi Junyuan was round or flat, and how he was, at least there was no blood feud between MI Junyuan and Fang Yao.

"I think a Yao is more likely to be Fang Lutong's son," Gu Junzhu said. "I guess that because Fang Haichuan knew he was the murderer of Siqi's parents, he didn't want Siqi to be his daughter-in-law. However, in secret, Fang Lutong and Siqi have feelings and are pregnant with Fang Yao. In order to break up Fang Lutong and Siqi, Fang Haichuan slanders Siqi for having an affair with MI Junyuan. After Siqi gave birth to a Yao, he says to Lu Tong that a Yao is mi Junyuan's son. As children, they seldom doubt their parents, just as Xiaomi believes her mother's words without any doubt, Fang Lutong is right Fang Haichuan believes it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!