You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 742

When she thought of the four words "bird and beast in clothes", she thought of Gu Wuye's saying that he preferred to be a bird and beast without clothes. Ye Xingbei's face turned red.

It's over.

She was poisoned by Gu Wu Ye!

The leaf Star North gas secretly stepped on Gu Jun one by one feet, also hard son ran ran, eyes but looking at the front, as if nothing happened.

Gu Wu Yeh looked down and put his hand around her slender waist. His thin lips came to her lips: "honey, do you want to press me?"

Ye Xingbei narrowed his eyes and glared at him with a cold face. "I really want to sleep on the sofa tonight, don't I?"

"Don't be so dirty, my dear Gu Jun walked forward around her waist, with a serious look on her face: "I'm talking about a custom in Fengcheng. On the wedding night of the bridegroom and bride, whose shoes are pressed on each other's shoes means that this person will listen to each other for the rest of his life and be pressed by each other. I mean you want to press me, baby, don't think it's crooked! It's not good to think too dirty. "

Ye Xingbei I believe in your mouth, it's better to believe that there are ghosts in the world! "

"It's true!" Gu Junzhu took her hand and said seriously, "I don't believe you'll ask Xiao Qiao and Fang Yao later."

Ye Xingbei rolled his eyes.

If it's fake, is she disgraced or not?

She doesn't want face?

they drive in the back and drive slowly.

Qiao Zui and Fang Yao take the car in front of them. Qiao Zui worries about Fang Yao's injury and asks the driver to drive the car to the top speed.

When Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei enter the living room, the family doctor of the Qiao family is already treating Fang Yao's wound.

Misheng sat beside Fang Yao, watching nervously, his eyes full of heartache.

When ye Xingbei looks at misheng and Fang Yao, he suddenly feels warm in his heart.

A person walking alone in the ice and snow, cold and hungry, met another person who was alone and had nothing.

The two of them came together, cuddling and warming each other.

Both misheng and Fang Yao are poor people abandoned by their families.

But from today on, they have families for each other.

The brother who protects his sister and the sister who cherishes his brother.

This is probably the biggest harvest of their trip to the Fang family today.

Looking at the tenderness and smile in Ye Xingbei's eyes, Gu Junzhu felt a soft heart turned into water. He reached out and rubbed her head, "silly girl."

Ye Xingbei smiles at him, walks up to Fang Yao and asks the family doctor who is taking medicine for Fang Yao: "Dr. Huang, how is Yao's injury? Does it matter? "

"The upper body injuries are OK. They are all skin injuries. It's OK to rest for a period of time," Dr. Huang replied respectfully. "The serious one is the old leg injury. We should take care of it slowly."

Ye Xingbei nodded and looked at Fang Yao's injured leg.

I hope he and Joe can get better soon I don't know what happened to Chi Qing. She should urge Yue ya'er to come back quickly.

She thought of something and wanted to discuss it with Gu Junzhu. After looking back, she saw Gu Junzhu turning over with his mobile phone. His face was very serious.

Ye Xingbei is familiar with his expression.

Every time he shows such attentiveness, it means that he has found something worth thinking about.

She curiously went to Gu Junzhu's side and looked up: "what is it?"

Gu Jun hands the mobile phone to her in front of her. "Xiao Qi has made a great discovery. He has found a very important witness." , the fastest update of the webnovel!