You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7271

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"Go away!" Guo Weimao pushed him away angrily. "I don't have a son like you! You're not my son, Xiaoyi is my son!"

His eyes were red and he almost choked and said to Chi Qingyi, "Xiaoyi, go home with my father! You were raised by my father, and you are my father's son!"

"Guo Weimao, are you crazy?" Ding Yuezhen screamed in disbelief: "talents are your own son. Chi Qingyi is Chi Jinghan's son. What's your nerve?"

She can't accept all this.

Guo Liangcai is her son. Chi Qingyi has nothing to do with her.

Guo Weimao's negation of Guo Liangcai is tantamount to negation of her.

Guo Weimao would rather have someone else's son than her son. His words were like slapping her in the face, which made her very angry.

"Ding Yuezhen, do you know what it is better to give birth to kindness than to give birth to kindness?" Guo Weimao shouted angrily: "I have raised Xiaoyi for nearly ten years. In the past thousands of days and nights, I always thought Xiaoyi was my own son!

I poured all my efforts and feelings into Xiaoyi. You suddenly said to me, "Guo Liang is my son. How do you let me accept it?"

"If you don't accept it, you have to accept it!" Ding Yuezhen said angrily, "it's true that a good talent is your son. A good talent is your own flesh and blood. Your blood flows in his veins. Chi Qingyi has nothing to do with you! You don't want your own flesh and blood. You want someone else's son. Have you got shit in your head?"

"You two have quarreled!" Chi Qingyi said with a frown, "you two don't have to quarrel, because I won't go back with you."

"Why?" Guo Weimao choked with red eyes and asked, "son, is Dad Bad for you? Dad is the one who loves you most in the world!"

"I admit that you really loved me in the past," Chi Qingyi looked down at the ground and said, "but your wife doesn't love me. She knew I wasn't your son. She was very cold to me.

Before, I didn't understand why my classmates' mother loved them so much and was so patient, but my mother despised me. I didn't know why until she couldn't wait to send me to my biological parents... "

He clenched Chi Jinghan's hand. "She's right. Parents want to be with their own flesh and blood. I also want to be with my parents. This is my real home. I'm not going anywhere!"

Guo Weimao looked at him for a long time. His dull eyes slowly turned and fell on Ding Yuezhen's face.

"It's you! You caused all this!" he suddenly reached out and grabbed Ding Yuezhen's neck. His face turned red and his eyes were ferocious. "You separated my father and son! You made me love other people's sons as my own son for so many years! My efforts for so many years have become a joke! You bitch! Bitch!"

"Guo Weimao, you're crazy, you let go of me!" Ding Yuezhen struggled hard, stretched out her hand to scratch Guo Weimao's face, and was slapped on the ground by Guo Weimao.

"Divorce!" Guo Weimao said coldly, "leave now!"

He grabbed Ding Yuezhen's hand and dragged her away.

Guo Liangcai was angry and scared. He cried loudly behind them and ran after them.

Ding Yuezhen was dragged by him, and her heart was cold. "Guo Weimao, let go of me. What are you crazy about?", the fastest update of the webnovel!