You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7255

"Of course not!" Ding Yuezhen said angrily, "I'm not stupid. How can I trade my son for someone else's children? Are you crazy? Ask such silly words!"

"Really you didn't change it on purpose?" Guo Weimao looked at her and said, "how do you explain that the two children were not born on the same day, but you made a mistake?

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As a biological mother, how can you make such a low-level mistake? "

Ding Yuezhen said irritably, "I've explained how many times. That's because I'm not in good health after giving birth to a good talent. I have to take care of my two children alone. My mental state is very poor and I'm in a trance. I don't know how to make a mistake about my two children."

"How do you explain that as soon as the Chi family went bankrupt, you told me that you found that the talent might be our own son," Guo Weimao could not dispel his doubts, "Just like the child just said, you don't say it sooner or later. As soon as the Chi family went bankrupt, you said that a good talent might be our son. How can I believe that you didn't change the two children in order to let our son live a good life at the Chi family."

"If I say no, it's not!" Ding Yuezhen said angrily, "what's good about the Chi family? I've had enough of the Chi family. How can I let our son suffer at the Chi family?"

"It's different," Guo Weimao shook his head and said, "you always say that you live under the hedge of others at the Chi family. However, if you transfer our children to the Chi family, the Chi family will think that our children are their children.

Over the years, they really love good talents. Good talents are the little masters of the Chi family. They don't live under the fence of others at all. "

"No matter what you say, I just didn't change!" Ding Yuezhen looked at Guo Weimao without guilt: "I admit that I didn't find that Chi Qingyi changed with our son after the Chi family went bankrupt. I found it two years ago.

However, we have raised Chi Qingyi so much that I don't want to send him to Chi's house, so I didn't tell the truth.

After the Chi family went bankrupt, I saw Liangcai crying so pitifully. On impulse, I told the truth.

In fact, after I said it, I regretted it.

At that time, I only thought about the feelings of good talents and forgot that after telling the truth, the Chi family would ask Qingyi back.

In fact, let me say that the Chi family is overestimating their strength!

How can they raise children in this situation?

They should give us both children! "

Guo Weimao looked at her with sadness and disappointment. "Yuezhen, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me.

Over the years, you don't really love Qingyi.

Maltreatment can not be said to be the absence of the mother's heartfelt intimacy and doting on her son.

In the past, I thought it was having children that led to your poor physical and mental condition, so you couldn't get close to your children.

However, your attitude changed immediately after the good talent came back.

You should be careful of good talent, like a baby with sharp eyes. You should be obedient to him and respond to whatever he asks, and you should have two attitudes towards the previous Qing Yi! "

He gently breathed out: "in fact, I had this speculation before. I think the two children were deliberately exchanged by you. I just don't want to admit it. I hope the three of us can live together well. I don't want our family to fall apart.", the fastest update of the webnovel!