You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7250

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The more he looked, the more he felt that Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi were not children of ordinary people.

Moreover, Qin Junye's personality style makes him feel very interesting and fits his eye. He doesn't mind telling Qin Junye the answer: "I made my father angry and was punished by my father to be a waiter."

"Oh," Qin Junye nodded, "a private interview in micro clothes? Very good! Others think you are a loser, but in fact you are a rich second generation. When others look down on you, you suddenly show your identity and blind the eyes of those who look down on others. The standard script of loser counter attack is fun!"

He looked forward to saying: "I hope that one day, my master can punish me to be a waiter. Then I met a guest who looked down on others and wanted to bully me. I showed my identity and hit him in the face!"

He slapped people in the face excitedly. "This script is really great!"

Waiter: "..."

He said expressionless, "the premise is that there must be a hotel in your master's house first."

"What a coincidence!" Qin Jun suddenly clapped his hand: "my master really has a hotel at home! Carving time! Have you heard of it? The most luxurious and rich hotel in Beijing!"

He glanced around. "It's much more elegant than your hotel!"

"Carving time?" the waiter was surprised and asked, "did your master open the carving time? Your master's surname is Gu?"

Ordinary people may not know the background of carving time, but their home is a hotel.

Originally, their chain hotel was one of the best in the country. In the past, the best hotel in Beijing was theirs.

But later, the carving time was born, and the best hotel in Beijing became the carving time.

His father felt unconvinced at the beginning. He was a little unhappy that his first name had been taken away.

However, when his father found out the background of the carving time boss, his father said three words: No.

His father warned him to speak carefully outside.

If a villain deliberately presses the head of their hotel with carving time, it will stimulate him and let him manage his mouth and don't talk nonsense.

His father said that the boss behind the carving time is Gu, Gu's old gu!

That's the top powerful family. It's different from the local tyrants who only have money and no power. It's a real top powerful family that their family can't afford.

Therefore, he knew who the boss behind the carving time was.

In his ideology, Gu Jiaren and he are people of two worlds.

Unexpectedly, he met his family's children today.

Qin Jun looked at him at night: "yes, my master's surname is Gu."

The waiter was stunned for a moment and suddenly turned to throw a sympathetic look at Guo Weimao.

Now he has straightened out the whole story.

The son of a guest whose head was stung by a bee and covered with bags threw the honeycomb at the feet of the family's children!

This is a bear heart leopard gall!

He respects him as a hero!



The guest should not know the identity of the family.

If the guest knows the identity of his family and is as tough as just now, he will respect him as a hero!

From the conversation between the waiter and Qin Junye, Guo Weimao heard that Qin Junye's identity seemed unusual.

Although he doesn't know who the boss behind the carving time is, he knows the hotel called carving time.

It's the best hotel in the capital.

Can people who can afford the best hotels in Beijing be ordinary people?

His angry heart, like burning magma, suddenly cooled., the fastest update of the webnovel!