You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7242

Gu Jun asked one by one, "what's the situation now?"

Gu Chi knew what he asked: "I found Guo Liangcai and met Guo Liangcai's parents. What I saw and heard proves that the genetic inheritance is very strong. The dragon begets the dragon, the Phoenix begets the Phoenix, the son born of a mouse can make holes, and the bear parents are behind the bear child."

Gu Junzhu coldly provoked the corners of his mouth, "Guo Liangcai's parents didn't give you anything?"

"I didn't say anything ugly, but I didn't think so," Gu Chi said. "I said Guo Liangcai stabbed the honeycomb at the feet of the young men and hurt the young men. Guo Liangcai's mother said, what does the child know? Her son didn't mean it. She apologized to the young men for her son."

It is estimated that the "I'm sorry" is also because he took people to the door. When the other party saw that their identity was unusual, he said a few sorry.

If ordinary people came to the door, she would be more confident and feel that children should be forgiven no matter what they do.

"What is the specific situation between her and the Chi family?" Gu Jun sneered at the arc provoked by the corner of his lips.

"She was an orphan. Her parents died and she was adopted by her aunt. Her aunt was Chi Qingyi's grandmother," Gu Chi said. "She grew up in Chi Qingyi's maternal family and later married to the Guo family.

Her husband got off Guo Liangcai. Chi Qingyi's mother, Zhou Shuirong, later gave birth to Chi Qingyi. Guo Liangcai and Chi Qingyi were only ten days away from their birthday.

Zhou Shuirong was in poor health. When Shengchi Qingyi was bleeding, he entered the intensive care unit.

Zhou Shuirong's husband got into a lawsuit and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. In prison, Zhou Shuirong had only his mother's family around him.

Zhou Shuirong's family wanted to take care of Zhou Shuirong, so they gave Chi Qingyi to Guo Liangcai's mother.

Guo Liangcai's mother took care of Chi Qingyi for more than a month. Guo Liangcai and Chi Qingyi should have been exchanged at that time. "

"I haven't seen my children before, and I don't know if they have been changed?" Rao shigu Junzhu was well-informed and felt a little incredible.

Gu Chi said, "I haven't seen Zhou Shuirong yet, but in the information Xiao Qi sent me, Zhou Shuirong is a particularly stupid woman.

Looks like her name, beautiful like a lotus, but no brain, especially stupid, and has done a lot of stupid things.

At the beginning, her husband was also hurt by her when he was in prison.

She is stupid, and her parents are stupid, so I increasingly think that genetics is very important! "

Later, he would rather not marry a wife than a stupid woman.


His own son was changed, and no one found out.

How stupid is this?

It's stupid to cry ghosts and gods!

Gu Junzhu couldn't help asking, "what about the bankruptcy of the Chi family? It was also hurt by Zhou Shuirong?"

"Young master, you're really clever!" Gu Chi said with admiration. "You're right at all. The Chi family will go bankrupt and was hurt by Zhou Shuirong.

This stupid woman has made a good friend. Her good friend is actually a commercial spy.

Hello, everyone. Our official account will receive cash and coins every day. If you pay attention to it, you can receive it. The last welfare at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity.

She even told her so-called good friend the secrets of the Chi family. The Chi family suffered heavy losses and had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. "

Gu Jun asked one by one, "how is the Chi family now?"

"It's ok?" Gu Chi said, "although the Chi family is bankrupt, Chi Qingyi's father is a very capable man and doesn't owe any debt. Although it's not as beautiful as before, he's still carefree."

He paused and said, "just pity Chi Qingyi. When he was at the Guo family, Zhou Shuirong didn't treat him very well. He finally returned to his biological parents. His biological parents went bankrupt again. It's bad enough!"


This weekend, after a long day, I wrote a chapter. Tomorrow, I'll try to write four more chapters. Sorry, yunyun has fallen. Cover your face., the fastest update of the webnovel!