You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7235

A few little guys don't look small. The thief runs fast. Ye Xingbei naturally doesn't dare to run with them with children. They ran out of sight in a few minutes.

Fortunately, Gu Junzhu accompanied her.

She took Gu Junzhu's arm, tilted her head and smiled at Gu Junzhu one by one, tiptoed on Gu Junzhu's cheek, joked and said: "at the critical moment, it's still the best husband!"

"Of course!" Gu Wuye said without modesty, "the children are eagles. When they grow into eagles, they fly away. Only me will be with you forever."

"No," Ye Xingbei said, "if I can stay with you, I must stay with you. If I can't stay, I will let them fly out. Our capital is almost the center of the world economy now. Where do we need to go elsewhere? Isn't it good to develop in the capital?"

Like all mothers in the world, she hopes that her children will always live under her own eyes and can be seen by looking up.

Gu Jun laughed and shook his head. "Now they has the final say, and when they grow up, you can say no more."

Ye Xingbei was flustered by what he said, "we have so many children, can we always have two or three to stay with us?"

Seeing her uneasy and reluctant appearance, Gu Jun chuckled and rubbed the back of her head: "now it's a global village. Where are you afraid of the children? No matter where they go, you can see who you want?"

Ye Xingbei thought about it and smiled, "it seems so."

It's not ancient now. It's time-consuming and laborious to go from one place to another.

Now even from Tiannan to Haibei, a ticket can fly in a few hours.

There is no such thing as she can't see the children when they run away.

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However, she said hopefully, "I still hope they all stay in the capital, so that our family can be together forever."

In her opinion, nothing in the world is more important than being together forever.

They have fame, wealth and wealth. They don't need to chase anything.

What she wants is for her family to live together peacefully and happily and never separate.

Gu Jun shook his head with a smile. "Even if a family lives together forever, they will start a family and have their own small family. I am the only one who will always be with you!"

He put his head around Ye Xingbei's shoulder and kissed Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei glanced at him and said, "just pour cold water on me!"

"It's not pouring cold water, it's telling the truth," Gu Junzhu said with a smile. "You see, my relationship with my father should be a model between father and son? But I'm not with you all day. It's good to see my father for three or five days."

"That's different," said Ye Xingbei. "My father is too busy. When my father retires and is not busy, I'll pick up my father and live with us, so you can meet my father every day?"

"Good!" Gu Junzhu smiled and squeezed her cheek: "my wife is really a good filial daughter-in-law!"

"Don't make trouble!" Ye Xingbei smiled and pushed him away. "I'm serious with you!"

"When I get to my father's position, I won't retire until the day when I'm old and can't walk," Gu Junzhu said with some gloom. "If human beings can cultivate immortals like the legend, in that case, it's not a problem to live a long life, not to mention a long life of a hundred years or a long life of a thousand years.", the fastest update of the webnovel!