You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7219

Can he?

Of course he can't!

He thinks those traffickers and rapists deserve to die. It may be impossible for him to kill one by one.

He said to Huo Zhongqi, "I can't do whatever I want. Why do you think you can?"

Huo Zhongqi was silent.


Master, a man so powerful can't do whatever he wants, let alone him.

Master is right.

What can I do if I don't like it?

Of course, it is self-restraint, not self indulgence.

He was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "I know, master, I will pay attention in the future."

"OK," Gu Junzhu said, "I'll give you a question and test you to see how much you understand."

Huo Zhongqi said, "master, please speak."

Gu Junzhu said, "when you go shopping, there are a lot of people in line. If you find someone jumping in the line, how do you deal with it?"

Huo Zhongqi said almost without hesitation: "of course, blame him and let him line up in the back!"

People who obey the rules like him will never tolerate people jumping in the queue.

Gu Jun asked Ling Yue one by one, "Xiaoyue, if it were you, what would you do?"

Ling Yue said simply, "don't buy it."

Gu Junzhu: "... What if you have to buy something?"

Ling Yue frowned, thought for a moment and said, "if I'm in a good mood, ignore him. If I'm in a bad mood, drag him aside. If he quarrels with me, beat him!"

After hearing his answer, Huo Zhongqi immediately looked at Gu Junzhu and wanted to know Gu Junzhu's evaluation of his answer.

Gu Junzhu did not immediately comment, but looked at the little tree: "little tree, what about you?"

Xiaoshumiao thought for a moment and said, "if the person who cuts in the queue delays my time, I will remind him and ask him to line up in the back. If he starts with me, I will fight back."

Gu Junzhu looked at Qin Junye again.

Qin Junye didn't wait for him to ask questions. He said, "the act of breaking public order by jumping in line is absolutely intolerable! As long as I find out, I will stop it! If he is not convinced, then fight! Who is afraid of who?"

After Qin Junye answered, Nie yanpolice didn't wait for Gu Junzhu to ask questions, so they replied, "I also think it's wrong to jump in the queue. I'll stop people who jump in the queue."

After they all answered, Gu Junzhu said, "there is no standard answer to this question. I can't arbitrarily judge who answered right and who answered wrong. I can only say that in this case, you should master a degree and adapt yourself. You must ask what this degree is. Now I'll tell you.

This degree means that no matter what you do, you should ensure that after you make this decision, the benefits will outweigh the disadvantages.

For example, you think it's just to stop the person who cuts in the queue, but if you fight, you will hurt the innocent? "

Qin Junye said strangely, "master, we can't ignore the people who cut in line? How can we ignore the people who cut in line?"

Gu Jun asked him one by one, "have you ever thought that if you fight with him, he can't beat you and runs away. In a panic, he may drive himself and kill a pedestrian. Maybe in order to escape, he unconsciously pushed the pedestrian who blocked his way and pushed the pedestrian under the car. The pedestrian was killed. Who is responsible for the pedestrian's death?", the fastest update of the webnovel!