You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7216

Carve time.

After a few days of recuperation and observation in the hospital, it was determined that Nie Yan had fully recovered, and Nie Yan was finally approved to leave the hospital.

Xiaoshumiao'er, Ling Yue, Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi happily took him home from the hospital.

Ye Xingbei prepared grapefruit leaves and new clothes for him.

It's a custom in the capital. Bathing with grapefruit leaves can remove bad luck.

Nie Yan thanked him gratefully and took a hot bath comfortably.

Put on new clothes and come out of the bathroom. He looked around nostalgically. He sincerely sighed that it was better to be at home!

In the evening, after dinner, they were all called into the study by Gu Junzhu.

As usual, this time is their time for elite class, but today, Gu Junzhu informed them that they were going to have a family meeting in the study. The time of elite class was postponed.

Several people stood in front of the desk in line.

Gu Jun sat behind his desk one by one, looking at the young trees.

Not to mention anything else, the scene in front of us looks very pleasing to the eye.

The children in his family are getting better and better.

Especially Ling Yue, the oldest.

In the past two years, the nutrition is good. Ling Yue's stature is running fast, more than one meter and six meters.

Looking at his appearance and body shape, he is already a small boy with straight lines and looks very eye-catching.

Watching a thin and short child grow up into a beautiful and tall young boy day by day is really a thing with a special sense of achievement.

Of course, there will be worries and troubles.

For example, Nie Yan was hospitalized this time, which scared him and ye Xingbei very much.

Until it was determined that police Nie Yan was all right, they were still a little afraid.

What if Nie Yan really can't walk?

Even he can't control accidents.

No one could have imagined that the back waist hit the corner of the table, which would lead to inability to walk.

Fortunately, it's only temporary. If it's functional, Nie Yan's life will be over.

His eyes passed one by one from the faces of several young trees and asked calmly, "what do you think of this matter? Ling Yue, you say it first."

"I didn't take good care of my brothers," said Ling Yue. "Next time, I will protect them!"

"It's all my fault!" Huo Zhongqi said guiltily without waiting for Gu Jun to call the roll one by one. "I shouldn't fight with Yang moye. If I don't fight with Yang moye, the little policeman won't get hurt."

"It's my fault," Nie Yan said with guilt. "I should stick to the principle and don't let Yang moye take the book back. In this way, Qi Qi won't have a conflict with Yang moye."

Qin Junye said seriously, "if something similar happens again, I won't do anything. I'll stare at my brothers and protect them from any harm!"

Finally, xiaoshumiao said, "we should learn a lesson from this matter.

It's better to do more than one thing. Yang moye wants to take the book back and give it to him. There's no need to quarrel with him because of such a small thing.

Accidents are impossible to prevent. However, quarrels and fights will increase the probability of accidents. Therefore, we should try our best to avoid quarreling or fighting with others. "

Gu Junzhu nodded approvingly and said, "xiaoshumiao is right! You should keep xiaoshumiao's words in mind. If there is a similar thing in the future, think about what xiaoshumiao just said before deciding what to do."

"But..." Huo Zhongqi bit his lip and whispered, "Yang moye was wrong to do that...", the fastest update of the webnovel!