You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7214

Yang Jingxiong opened his mouth again and was speechless.

Mr. Yang looked at him calmly and said, "just because I am your father, should I meet all your requirements?

Have you ever thought that I am your father. I gave you everything from childhood to childhood. I paid countless money and efforts on you. Should you also obey my heart and be filial to me? "

"Yes!" Yang Jingxiong said, "Dad, I think I'm a filial son..."

"Really?" Mr. Yang smiled: "I didn't let you marry Zhang Huanhuan. You insisted on marrying her. I didn't agree. You went to lobby your mother and let your mother be a lobbyist.

In order for you to get what you want, your mother quarreled with me. Finally, I had to give in and agree to marry Zhang Huanhuan.

If you were really a filial son, would you watch me quarrel with your mother because of you? "

"Dad, these are things that have passed..." Yang Jingxiong doesn't understand why things have passed for so long, and the old man suddenly turns over the old account again.

Mr. Yang is really turning over old accounts.

Because of what happened yesterday, new hatred and old hatred poured into my heart.

He regretted not adhering to his principles and agreed that Yang Jingxiong married Zhang Huanhuan.

If he had adhered to the principle at that time and not allowed Zhang Huanhuan to enter the door, yesterday would not have happened.

The existence of Zhang Huanhuan has not only added a stupid daughter-in-law to the Yang family, but the most serious problem is that Zhang Huanhuan gave birth to a stupid grandson, which has seriously affected the genes of the Yang family.

He regretted that he had hardly slept all night last night.

The more you think, the more you hate.

Yang Jingxiong is also full of resentment.

"You don't have to say any more. I've made up my mind," said Yang firmly. "Why did Kangxi choose Yongzheng as his successor? Because he valued Qianlong!

Whether a family can thrive or not, the most important thing is whether the heirs are smart and excellent.

Qianlong was the best among Kangxi's grandchildren. Kangxi felt that passing the throne to Yongzheng would ensure their prosperity for decades.

I think so, too.

Although there is no throne in our family, the foundation of the Yang family is also hard fought by your grandfather and me. Your grandfather and I also hope to inherit them from generation to generation. We don't want them to be destroyed in the hands of you and your son.

Although your second brother is as capable as you, your son is too stupid. The Yang family will come to your son's hand. There is only one way to go bankrupt. Maybe he will cause trouble.

I asked you to leave with Yang moye and go to the less prosperous place in the west, so that your son will have less chance to offend the powerful.

There are too many dignitaries in the capital. Your son has offended people. I don't know how he died.

There are fewer dignitaries over there. Even if he inadvertently offends others, he can at least keep him by relying on the strength of our Yang family. "

"Dad..." what else does Yang Jingxiong want to say? Interrupted by old man Yang.

"You don't have to say any more," old man Yang waved impatiently. "Everyone's way is their own. You have made your own choice to get to today's road. Now that you have chosen, don't bargain with me!

I have only 18 years to support you. Now I'm almost raising your son to the age of 18. It's time for you to support yourself. ", the fastest update of the webnovel!