You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7212

"Dad!" he said in shock, "isn't that so?"

Mr. Yang ignored him and continued, "second, you continue to be husband and wife with her, but you should take her and Yang moye away from the Yang family and start your own business."

Yang Jingxiong looked at old man Yang in shock and couldn't speak for half a day.

Zhang Huan turned pale with fear. "Dad, what do you mean? Are you trying to force Jing Xiong to divorce me?"

Yang Laozi didn't bother to pay attention to her. He looked at Yang Jingxiong and said, "I only give you these two choices. Do you choose the first or the second?"

"Dad, it's not like this?" Yang Jingxiong said in a panic: "I'm your eldest son and Ono is your eldest grandson. I admit that Ono did something wrong this time, but it's not a big deal..."

"It's not a big deal. What's a big deal?" old man Yang said coldly, "see what you know! Yang moye followed Zhang Huanhuan and was as stupid as Zhang Huanhuan. Do you want me to give you the Yang family and then you pass it on to Yang moye? Do I think the Yang family fell fast enough?"

"Dad..." Yang Jingxiong was confused in his mind. He looked at old man Yang pale. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Mr. Yang's decision was so sudden that he didn't prepare at all.

He is the eldest son of the old man, who has long been the designated heir, but now, the old man suddenly wants to deprive him of his identity as an heir!

He couldn't accept the old man's decision.

"Jingxiong, I know my decision is very sudden for you, but it's my decision after careful consideration," old man Yang looked at Yang Jingxiong and said earnestly: "you only have Ono's son, but Ono's performance disappointed me.

Our Yang family's heirs should be intelligent, honest, kind-hearted and broad-minded. He doesn't have any of these advantages. He is not suitable to be our Yang family's heirs.

You can rest assured that no matter whether you decide to divorce Zhang Huanhuan or not, you are my own son. I will not let you go. No matter which way you choose, I will arrange your future life. "

"Dad, you can't do this to me. It's unfair to me!" Yang Jingxiong said eagerly, "other people's families are eldest sons and grandchildren, our family..."

"The heirs of other people's families will listen to their parents and marry a wife satisfactory to their parents!" old man Yang interrupted him and said coldly, "I didn't let you marry Zhang Huanhuan at the beginning. You insisted on marrying her. Today, there will be such a result. It's the road you choose. You have nothing to do with others. You should accept it calmly and don't bargain with me."

He stood up and said, "if you can't give me an answer now, I'll give you time to think about it. Tomorrow morning, you'll tell me whether you decide to divorce Zhang Huanhuan."

"Dad..." what else did Yang Jingxiong want to say? Old man Yang brushed away and ignored him.

He chased a few steps, and the old man didn't look back.

He stood where he was, looking at the old man's back, as if he saw the old man's firm heart.

His own father, he knows.

As long as his father decides, no one can change except his mother.

That year, he wanted to marry Zhang Huanhuan, but his father didn't want to. He persuaded his mother first, and his mother helped him persuade his father.

But now, his mother has died, and no one can help him as a lobbyist.

He turned blankly and looked at Zhang Huanhuan.

Now, there are only two ways left in front of him. First, divorce and stay in the Yang family with his son.

Second, without divorce, he and his son will leave the Yang family and go out on their own.

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