You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7209

Old man Yang was so angry that he wanted to kick him out.

When you reach out and don't hit the smiling face, don't you score?

Someone else's child was beaten and hospitalized by your son and lay in the hospital bed. You smile brightly at others and have no sadness or guilt. How can you not be angry when they see it in their eyes?

He had told his son that he could not marry such a beautiful woman without a brain, but his son was obsessed with beauty and said he would marry her.

Lao Tzu usually can't screw his son.

He had no choice but to compromise.

But now, his regretful intestines are green.

At the beginning, the evil son was disobedient. He should have driven him out of the house and shouldn't have let such a woman in!

He smiled and said to Qin Junye, "don't be angry, little classmate. She is famous for her lack of brain. Don't be general with him. I will educate Yang moye and won't let him make mistakes in the future."

"You should educate him," Qin Jun said coldly at night. "This time, the little policeman is all right. If the little policeman has something, I'll kill him!"

He glared at Yang moye fiercely. His eyes were cold and cruel, like a wolf who chose people to eat.

Old man Yang frowned and subconsciously said, "not so..."

"The victim is us. If you say not, you won't. what are you!" Qin Junye said angrily: "look at your attitude. Do you really feel sorry?"

He pointed to Yang moye and said, "look at him. He came here to apologize and lost his adult appearance!"

He pointed to Zhang Huanhuan again: "look at her again, with a reluctant face!"

He roared angrily: "Do you really feel sorry for the little police? You are not! You are forced by the form and have to apologize! None of you think the crime suffered by the little police today is an innocent disaster! No one is worried about whether the little police will leave sequelae and whether they will really not walk in the future! You are all animals without conscience! Get out! Get out! You all get out!"

His eyes were red and his face was furious.

What's the use of this insincere apology?

The reason why they came to apologize was not that they really felt sorry for Nie yanpolice, but that they had to apologize because of the form.

Yang moye's sorry Didn't have any sincerity, but it seemed that he had done what a shame.

Zhang Huanhuan was even more indifferent. He smiled brightly, as if Nie Yan couldn't walk. It was like a cloud floating in the sky. It was no big deal.

Is such an apology meaningful?


They don't need such an apology!

He wanted to kill this wicked mother and son!

He looked at Ye Xingbei with red eyes: "martial mother, you let them get out. We don't need them to apologize so insincerely. I don't want to see them!"

He was afraid he couldn't control it and rushed up to kill them!

Ye Xingbei placidly patted him and calmly said to old man Yang, "Sir, I think you are a reasonable person. You know whether our children's words are reasonable or not.

Let's go. We don't need you to apologize so insincerely. I don't need to call the police because your child is young. I'll call the police and toss around. The police may not give him any serious punishment.

However, it doesn't matter. I have no obligation to educate your children, but the reality will teach your children to be human. If you teach your children like this, you will eat the consequences one day! ", the fastest update of the webnovel!