You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 716

She likes Qiao Zui from the beginning of love. Qiao Zui plays well with Fang Yao, who lives in her grandfather's old house.

In order to get close to Qiao Zui, she also moved to the old house. When Qiao Zui came to find Fang Yao, she could talk to Qiao Zui more and look at him more.

She grinds her grandfather to mention the marriage of the two families to Qiao Zui. Although Qiao Zui refused at that time, Qiao Zui has no female friends. She has always been the only girl who can get close to Qiao Zui.

She has long regarded Qiao Zui as something in her pocket. When Qiao Zui comes back from the army, she will let her grandfather bring up the old story again. In any case, she will promote the marriage between her and Qiao Zui.

Last time Qiao Zui and Fang Yao came back to see her grandfather. She went out with her friends and didn't see Qiao Zui.

She never dreamed that when she saw Joe drunk again, he had already got someone she liked.

Her heart was broken in pain.

She loves Joe drunk for so many years, her heart is all in Joe drunk, the room is full of Joe drunk photos, mobile phone is also full of Qiao drunk video she secretly recorded.

She played every video about Joe drunk countless times, and her every move, every word, every action, and every smile made her indulge.

She dreams of being Joe's drunk bride.

She had fantasized for countless times about what kind of life she would live with Joe after she married him.

The only thing she didn't think of was that Joe would hold a girl's hand intimately and tell her that he had never liked her. What he liked was another woman.

"Brother Joe, you can't do this to me..." Fang Mingzhu turned pale and shook her head. She cried bitterly: "we've been together for so long, you just said you don't like me..."

Qiao Zui frowned: "Fang Mingzhu, don't say such misleading words. We haven't been together at all, let alone for so long. To me, you are just my good brother's sister, that's all, nothing else!"

"No, it's not like that," said Fang Mingzhu, holding her clothes tightly to her chest, shaking her crying body, squatting down and covering her face. "Why How can you do this to me... "

Fang Yixian asked the maid to take Fang's mother upstairs. Seeing Fang Mingzhu's collapse, she was deeply distressed. She quickly came over, picked her up and held her in her arms. "Mingzhu, don't do that. You are so good. There are many people who like you. Xiao Qiao doesn't like you. You can only say that you two have no fate. In the future, you will meet someone more suitable for you..."

"No I don't want to... " Fang Mingzhu grabs Fang Yixian's clothes like a life-saving straw: "big brother, brother Xiao Qiao can't treat me like this. He can't cheat my feelings like this. I've been waiting for him for so long, but he and he bring other women back..."

Joe drunk gas forehead tendon straight jump, "Fang Mingzhu, I said, I never admit that you and I have any relationship, what do you mean I cheat your feelings?"

"Forget it, Xiao Qiao, let's go home," Ye Xingbei glanced at Fang Mingzhu and said coldly, "there are such people in the world. If the earth doesn't revolve around her, it's sorry for her. Don't pay attention to her. Let's go home for treatment first."

"My little aunt is right. We don't care about these people. It's important to treat them." Misheng's eyes are always painfully staring at the injury on Qiao Zui's arm.

For her, nothing is important now, only to cure the injury on Joe's drunken arm as soon as possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!