You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7151

Angelica dahurica is a little excited.

She was not the character of steamed stuffed bun, otherwise she wouldn't have hidden a knife in her bag and was ready to fight with others.

She has a ruthless spirit.

How could she not be moved by her character and the opportunity to retaliate?

Ye Xingbei looked at Cheng Fengsu speechless and said, "sister Susu, can't you give some good ideas?"

"I think my idea is very good!" Cheng Fengsu looked at her innocently and said, "do you have a better idea?"

Ye Xingbei: "... Break up with that woman?"

Cheng Fengsu asked her, "do you think Xiaobai will not rob Xiaobai's boyfriend if she breaks up with that woman?"

Ye Xingbei: "


She can't guarantee that.

She felt that it was abnormal for Angelica dahurica's friends to make fun of robbing Angelica dahurica's boyfriend.

How could she guess the mind of a person with abnormal psychology?

Angelica dahurica did not hesitate for long, "Miss Cheng, I will!"

Ye Xingbei: "

"Have ambition!" Cheng Fengsu said with a smile, "we should be like this. If others hit us, we'll pay back ten punches! Don't worry, I'll teach my senior brother what to do to ensure that your friends will lose face and make you proud!"

"Yes!" Angelica dahurica clenched her fist, nodded and said firmly, "she robbed my boyfriend. Although I don't want that kind of rotten man, as long as I think of the past so many years, I regard her as my best friend, she is hypocritical to me, and I can't wait to tear her face!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Xiaobai, you are an adult. I won't teach you what to do, but you must protect yourself and don't hurt yourself."

"Boss, I know what you're worried about," Angelica looked at her and said seriously, "I'm sober. I know what I'm doing. I'll pay attention to discretion. I promise I won't hurt myself!"

She felt that she was a sober and rational person.

Even if Liu Yanran robbed her boyfriend twice, she just cried angrily and didn't have much hatred in her heart.

If Cheng Fengsu didn't say this to her today, she would break up with Liu Yanran and ignore her in the future.

If she talks about her boyfriend later and is robbed by Liu Yanran, she still comforts herself that the man who can be robbed is not a good man.

She thinks Liu Yanran is a slag man identification machine!

She would also like to thank Liu Yanran for letting her know that she has a bad eye and chose a scum boy as her boyfriend.

Thank Liu Yanran for letting her discover the real face of the slag man as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be really miserable if she really marries a scum man in the future!

Although she hates Liu Yanran very much, she cherishes her current life. She won't do anything to her because she hates Liu Yanran.

She is no longer the angelica dahurica who came to carve time and sell recipes.

At that time, Angelica dahurica was desperate. She hid a knife and wanted to die with her enemy.

Now she lives happily, happily and peacefully every day.

She has a lot of youth and future. She won't spend her whole life for a bad woman who doesn't match her appearance.

She swore to her mother's spirit in heaven that she would be better than anyone else!

She had made up her mind, and ye Xingbei didn't say anything.

Cheng Fengsu soon found her elder martial brother., the fastest update of the webnovel!