You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7147

Ye Xingbei and his two children are still sleeping before seven o'clock.

He fondled his son's little face.

So sleepy, like two little pigs!

Nice and beautiful little piggy!

Hearing his footsteps, ye Xingbei opened his eyes.

Gu Jun went over one by one and kissed her. "Did you wake up?"

"No," Ye Xingbei looked at the time, "it's time to wake up."

She took Gu Junzhu's hand and was frozen. "It's so cold? Did you go to morning exercise?"

"No," Gu Junzhu said, "Xiao Ye has a fever. I went to have a look."

"Xiao Ye has a fever?" Ye Xingbei sat up, "are you okay?"

"It's all right. The fever has gone down," Gu Junzhu told her. "Don't go there. He has a fever. Your second brother also has a fever a few days ago. It's likely to be flu and infectious. Don't go to see him and don't let the children go."

"Oh, oh," Ye Xingbei said, "last time I heard Yaer say that she would prepare a granule to prevent influenza. Let Xiaoyue and them drink some later."

"Well," Gu Junzhu said, "I'll tell Yue ya'er later, but you're pregnant with a child. You can't drink, so stay away from them."

"OK," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I see. What about you? Are you okay?"

She felt that Gu Junzhu looked a little tired.

Gu Junzhu didn't tell her that he had stayed up almost all night last night. He smiled and said, "what can I do? I'm not pregnant again. I'll go back to Yue ya'er to prepare medicine, and I'll drink it several times."

He has to prevent it. Don't be infected by Qin Junye, or he will have to be isolated from his wife and son if he has a cold.

Isn't that like taking half his life?

After breakfast, he immediately contacted Yue ya'er and asked her about the granules to prevent influenza.

Yue ya'er said, "it's simple. I'll prepare the medicine and send it back. I'll also prepare some medicine for the building where they live in the small night and smoke it for them."

"The bodyguard hugged them and smoked them," Gu Junzhu said. "There are many people there."

Although they are young and middle-aged, they have to guard against it.

There are three or five colds back? I think the air is infected.

His wife is a pregnant woman. She can't be careless at all.

Yue ya'er replied, "OK."

Arrange things at home? He went to the company? Ye Xingbei took the little fish and swim to the yard to bask in the sun.

She played with the children for a while? Cheng Fengsu is here.

When Cheng Fengsu arrived, he lay on the recliner, as if he had been pulled out of his bones.

Ye Xingbei was worried: "sister Su? What's the matter with you? Won't you catch a cold?"

"No?" Cheng Fengsu said lazily, "I'm greedy. I want something sweet. Is there a new product in the store recently?"

Ye Xingbei thought about it? "Xiaobai made a strawberry heart puff a few days ago? I think it's delicious? I asked Xiaobai to make some for you?"

Cheng Fengsu nodded? "Good."

Ye Xingbei immediately called Angelica dahurica.

More than an hour later? Angelica came with a tray? "Young lady, Miss Cheng, I've made some puffs and some braised red beans. Have a try."

She put the tray on the stone table.

"Thank you, Xiaobai?" Cheng Fengsu picked up a puff to flow her heart? A bite? "Hmm? Delicious."

Strong milk flavor and strawberry fragrance are mixed, sweet and strong, which melts in the mouth? Sweet but not greasy.

"Xiaobai, your craft is getting better and better!" she praised and noticed Angelica dahurica's eyes, "eh? Xiaobai, why are your eyes red?", the fastest update of the webnovel!