You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7129

"I don't know," the little tree miao'er shook his head blankly, "Mom, I don't know."

Gu Jun looked at Lingyue one by one.

Ling Yue also shook his head, "I haven't offended anyone recently."

Gu Junzhu looked at Xiang Ke again.

Xiang Ke wiped his face. "Xiang Yang has taken someone to check."

Gu Jun nodded one by one and patted Ye Xingbei soothingly. "It's all right. Don't worry, skin injury."

"But..." what did ye Xingbei want to say? Yue ya'er and Gu Qingrun walked in one after another.

Seeing the wound on Ling Yue's back, Yue ya'er frowned, "what's the matter? Who gave such a heavy hand to a child?"

"Is this sulfuric acid burn?" Gu Qingrun frowned. "It's too vicious!"

They talked and were busy. Gu Qingrun helped Ling Yue clean up his wound and Yue Yaer dispensed medicine.

She recently concocted a lot of ointment, including one for treating trauma, which can be just used on Ling Yue.

The wound was cleaned and applied with ointment. Ling Yue immediately felt that the burning wound was cool and comfortable.

Yue ya'er handed the ointment to Xiang Ke, "don't wrap it up for the time being. The ointment has the effect of relieving pain and can be applied infinitely. When he hurts badly, apply a layer to him and wrap it up when the wound hurts less."

"OK, thank you, Dr. Yue." Xiang Ke bowed and saluted, grateful.

Ye Xingbei asked painfully, "Xiao Yue, what would you like to eat in the evening? My mother asked the kitchen to make it for you, by the way..."

She tilted her head and looked at Yue ya'er. "Ya'er, is Xiaoyue a taboo?"

"Some things can't be eaten," Yue ya'er said. "I'll tell the kitchen."

Ye Xingbei nodded and asked Ling Yue, "what does Xiao Yue want to eat at night?"

Ling Yue actually has no appetite and doesn't want to eat anything, but seeing ye Xingbei's Distressed eyes, he changed his mouth and said, "I want to eat pineapple meat and have some sweet porridge."

"OK," Ye Xingbei said immediately, "I'll tell your sister mint and ask her to make you the sweetest porridge!"

She got up and went to the kitchen.

Ling Yue looked at her back and felt warm.

Although the teacher's mother is only the teacher's mother, she can always give his mother's feeling.

Although he has no mother, he has a teacher's mother around him. He is also very warm and satisfied.

Most importantly, the teacher's mother is xiaoshumiao's mother.

Xiaoshumiao'er has such a good mother. He is sincerely happy for xiaoshumiao'er.

Xiaoshumiao is not happy at all now.

He hated the man who hurt Ling Yue.

He hasn't hated a person so much in a long time.

He firmly held Gu Junzhu's hand, "Dad, no matter who hurt Xiaoyue's brother, I must let him pay the price!"

Gu Jun rubbed his head one by one, "of course!"

His eldest son became more mature and less talkative.

When he recalled that he had just met his eldest son again, his eldest son looked lively and lovely, just like two people.

Whenever he sees such an eldest son, he sincerely regrets that his eldest son has grown up.

He felt that his eldest son was more lovely when he was a child.

However, children always have to grow up.

Moreover, he and ye Xingbei are also responsible for the maturity of small trees and seedlings.

But in a few years, they added four younger brothers to xiaoshumiao.

The four younger brothers chased xiaoshumiao and called him brother. They called xiaoshumiao mature.

Xiaoshumiao even now says that his eldest brother is like a father!

It is reasonable for a child who feels that as an elder brother, he should be as mature and responsible as his father to suddenly become mature., the fastest update of the webnovel!