You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7127

After sterilization, she will never get pregnant again. This baby is the last one and suddenly becomes precious.

The two are finally in the mood to report good news.

Master Gu is naturally in a good mood. He repeatedly tells Gu Junzhu to take good care of Ye Xingbei.

Gu Junzhu's hair group is filled with congratulations and wails.

Congratulations to Gu Junzhu for having a son or a little princess again. Wail that one of their sons hasn't been born yet. Gu Wuye's family is going to collect seven dragon balls!

Ye Xingbei also called his family to report the good news.

Of course, Mr. Xie was also happy. He was very kind.

Hang up Mr. Xie, and she calls her two brothers again.

Her eldest brother is probably busy. His cell phone is not connected.

The second brother's phone was connected, but she hardly recognized her second brother's voice.

She was startled. "What's the matter with you, second brother?"

"I've caught a cold," said Xie Jinfei in a hoarse voice. "I have a sore throat and a little fever. I'm lying at home."

"Is it serious?" Ye Xingbei frowned and asked, "do you want ya'er and Qingrun to see you?"

"No, it's just a common cold. Just keep it for two days," Xie Jinfei said. "Don't come either. In case it's influenza, it will infect you."

"Er..." Ye Xingbei said, "then I'm really not suitable for the past. I'm pregnant again..."

"Pregnant again?" Xie Jinfei said in shock, "is Gu Wuye an animal?"

Ye Xingbei: "

You have the ability to say that in front of Mr. Gu!

"Second brother, are you sure you're okay?" is it a brain burn?

Dare to take care of the fifth master like this!

"It's all right," Xie Jinfei said. "It's just a common cold. You can't come to see me when you're pregnant. In case I catch it, Gu Wuye won't peel my skin?"

Ye Xingbei: "


It seems that her second brother's brain hasn't burned out, but he's still sober.

Ye Xingbei asked him, "does anyone take care of you? Let Qingrun go?"

"Someone," Xie Jinfei glanced at Su ran, who was sitting by the bed cutting fruit for him, "Ran Ran is here."

"Oh..." Ye Xingbei was relieved. "It's hard for my future second sister-in-law. You have a good rest and get better quickly."

"OK, I see," Xie Jinfei said. "When I'm ready, I'll see you and my nephews."

As soon as he hung up his cell phone, Su Ran's cut fruit was sent to his lips, "eat fruit."

Cut small pieces of fruit, stuck on toothpicks, and more than one kind. Cut several pieces of each kind and put together a platter.

Xie Jinfei opened his mouth and ate the fruit. He felt that he had a very comfortable life!

He used to be with sto Mian. He took care of STO Mian.

After he and Su ran were together, they took care of each other, but Su ran took care of him more.

After all, he is busy at work. Su Ran is a writer and has a lot of free time. Su ran usually revolves around him.

After experiencing it personally, I know how happy it is to be taken care of by a person.

It's great to have such a person in the world who keeps himself in mind all the time and thinks of himself no matter what he has!

Moreover, this man is young, beautiful, talented and has a common language with him.

He can't say without conscience that he was unhappy with Si duomian before. After all, he really liked Si duomian.

But he must also admit that life with Su Ran is easier and happier., the fastest update of the webnovel!