You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7119

A few minutes later, an enchanting and charming woman walked into the late exhibition office.

When she came to Chi Zhan's desk, she bent down to say hello to Chi Zhan: "Hi, Chi always."

She was wearing a black professional dress with a white shirt inside. She looked very serious, but she was wearing a V-neck shirt, and the top button of the shirt was untied.

As she bent over, the two groups of snow-white amorous feelings on her chest showed.

Chi Zhan thought that this scene was completely photographed by his mobile phone and watched by Yue ya'er.

He endured the impulse to let people throw out the woman in front of him, frowned and asked, "your name is Shen Hua?"

"Yes," Shen Hua straightened up and lifted the broken hair scattered on his cheeks. His eyes are like water and enchanting. "My parents call me painting, and Mr. Chi can also call me that."

She looked at Chi Zhan. Her eyes were misty, as if she had a hook. Her voice was sweet and sticky like honey.

Look at her, Chi Zhan understands everything.

The day before yesterday, the woman bumped into his arms. It was either an accident or intentional!

Look at the way she seduces men now!

If he were a dishonest man, I'm afraid he'd be distracted and on the pole now!

Thinking that it was because of this woman that he made his own wife angry, he frowned and said, "you're fired."

Shen Hua, who was scratching his head, was stunned.

The manager of her department suddenly asked her to come to Chi Zhan's office. She was secretly happy. She thought that Chi Zhan finally found her beauty because she deliberately bumped into Chi Zhan's arms the day before yesterday.

Thinking of Chi Zhan's money, power, appearance and figure, she was so excited that she walked into Chi Zhan's office with a burning heart and swaying posture.

She thought that Chi Zhan liked her and wanted to associate with her. She waited for Chi Zhan to praise her and say she was beautiful. The next step was to promote her and let her work around Chi Zhan.

I don't know. What she waited for was a mindless remark... She was dismissed!

She bit her lips, and a thick mist appeared in her eyes. Xuanran wanted to cry and asked, "President Chi, did I do something wrong? Please give me a chance and I will correct it! Please!"

She rushed to Chi Zhan and bent down deeply.

Chi Zhan frowned in disgust: "you really did something wrong! You shouldn't wear such clothes to work! I'm a serious company, not a joker. People who don't know you dress like this think my boss is a pimp!"

Shen Hua was stunned.

She straightened up, saw Chi Zhan's disgusting eyes, and covered her chest.

Originally, she tried hard to hold her red eyes and pretended to cry. This time, she really wanted to cry.

Her shirt had a low neckline. In the elevator, she deliberately untied a button to let Chi Zhan see her good figure when bending down.

Don't men like this?

Her breasts are not long. She is naturally so proud!

She knows her advantages very well and wants to show her most proud and moving side to Chi Zhan.

She thought that Chi Zhan would be distracted when she saw it and wanted to take her for herself.

She didn't expect that Chi Zhan's eyes were cold and disgusted.

She was shocked by Chi Zhan's cold and disgusting eyes, and couldn't help but go back a few steps.

Chi Zhan asked her coldly, "I have a wife, do you know?", the fastest update of the webnovel!