You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7111

When kneeling down, my heart was full of shame and felt very ashamed.

But the thought of doing so might make Yue ya'er happy. He threw it out.

Isn't it just thinking about it?

No one else knows anyway.

He's even more shameful. His wife has seen it. It doesn't matter!

After hearing nothing about the late Exhibition for a long time, Yue ya'er suddenly thought of his words and turned to look at it.

After looking for a moment, she found that Chi Zhan was kneeling in the corner with a keyboard under her knee.

She cried and laughed, "what are you doing? Come here!"

Chi Zhan looked back at her. "Are you not angry? If you are not angry, I'll go."

Yue ya'er was helpless. "I'm not angry anymore. Come here."

Chi Zhan got up happily.

After a long time, his legs were a little numb. Unexpectedly, he stumbled and nearly fell.

Yue ya'er was startled and sat up.

Chi Zhan smiled and said, "it's all right. My legs are a little numb. They'll be fine soon."

He rushed over, hugged Yue ya'er and rubbed his head in Yue ya'er's arms. "Wife, if you're not angry, I don't feel down when I see you angry."

Yue ya'er said helplessly, "I said, I'm not angry."

"No, you're angry," Chi Zhan said, "but you're a rational person. You don't think you should be angry about it, so you told yourself not to be angry, so you put down the pressure, but in fact you're still angry."

What he said was like a tongue twister, but Yue ya'er understood it and felt it was reasonable.

She believes that Chi Zhan will not betray her? She also believed that the lipstick thing was really an accident, so? She thinks she should laugh it off? Shouldn't you be angry? Anger is vexatious.

However, she couldn't control her temper.

She was afraid that as soon as she spoke, she couldn't help quarreling with Chi Zhan? So she chose cold treatment.

Time can be indifferent to everything.

Give her time to digest? She can deal with it calmly.

She didn't expect that she didn't quarrel with Chi Zhan. Chi Zhan ran to kneel on the keyboard.

She lost her temper.

The man she married? He's a fool.

A fool with a childlike heart.

He treated her so wholeheartedly? She should be more tolerant to him.

She kissed late? "I'm really not angry? Don't bother? Good!"

Late exhibition just when my heart was still hanging in the air? With this kiss, the heart floating in the air suddenly fell to the ground and came back to life with chicken blood.

He held Yue ya'er in his arms and groaned wrongfully, "you ignore me? You're going to scare me to death! Tomorrow I'll go to settle accounts with that woman? If she really bumped into my arms on purpose, I must make her look good!"

"OK?" Yue ya'er smiled and kissed him again. "I believe you."

I believe this fool will not betray her.

"I'll show you live tomorrow!" Chi Zhan hugged her and said, "I want to prove to you? I didn't betray you. I swear, if I do something sorry for you in my life, I'll castrate myself without you!"

"No," Yue ya'er rubbed his head. "If you don't care, I'll quit. I'm not without a man. If one day you don't feel for me, or fall in love with other women, you can directly say to me, we're good and easy to break up. I'll never be a complaining woman and keep pestering."

"Will you fall in love with other men?" Chi Zhan asked warily, "let's say first that if you fall in love with other men, I will be a resentful man, haunt and haunt you!", the fastest update of the webnovel!