You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7090

"Although Dongfang Zetang does raise a little crooked, Dongfang Chuanyang is still good," he said

"Well, Dongfang Chuanyang is really good. He is a smart man." Sheng Xicheng admitted this.

Sheng Xicheng turned over the information carefully and said with emotion: "Dongfang Chuanyang is actually a brother who cherishes the same father and half father. The world is really small... I don't know what attitude Dongfang people will have towards cherishing after they know the life experience of cherishing."

"No matter what attitude, it doesn't matter," said Sheng Xicheng. "As long as we cherish that she is not an illegitimate daughter, she is a legitimate daughter, even if the Oriental family is not close to her."

"It's still different," Sheng Xike said. "Cherish must yearn for the closeness and love of relatives. It's just that there is no biological mother. If there is a biological mother who doesn't like to get close to her, she will be sad."

"Although aunt Xi is not the biological mother of Xi Xi, she treats Xi Xi as if she were her own," Sheng Xicheng suddenly thought, "will aunt Xi be sad if Xi Xi finds her biological mother?"

"Shouldn't it?" Sheng Xike said, "my mother and I, in the end I'm my mother's biological son. I'll comfort my mother."

"All right," Sheng Xicheng said, "there's nothing we can do. We can only stop the soldiers. Water and earth cover it. Shall we tell Xi Xi about Xi Xi's life experience first, or go to communicate with Dongfang family first?"

Sheng Xike thought for a moment: "let's talk to the people of Dongfang family first. If they don't want to recognize Xi Xi, they won't tell Xi Xi about Xi Xi Xi, so as not to increase their troubles and sadness."

Sheng Xicheng nodded. "OK, I has the final say for my future sister-in-law."

Sheng Xike smiled and dialed Dongfang chenjiu's mobile phone: "Uncle Dongfang, I have something important to talk to you. I hope your whole family can be present."

After a few words, they decided to meet at Dongfang's house.

Sheng Xicheng said, "let me go with you?"

Sheng Xike nodded, "OK."

Although he is the eldest son and grandson of Sheng family, in the eyes of many people, Sheng Xicheng's status is above him, because Sheng Xicheng has a stronger outsider than Sheng family.

With Sheng Xicheng here, Dongfang family will be more polite to them and more cautious in dealing with matters they cherish.

This society is so realistic.

They came to Dongfang's house at the agreed time. Dongfang chenjiu was with his wife and two sons.

After the guests and hosts took their seats and exchanged greetings, Dongfang chenjiu apologized and said, "I know what Xueyi did. The child is so outrageous. I have told my second brother to send her abroad as soon as possible. I will come to the door and apologize in person another day."

"Uncle Dongfang, you're welcome. I'm not here for this today," Sheng Xike handed him the information in his hand. "Uncle, look at this first and we'll talk about it later."

Dongfang chenjiu received the information. After reading it, he was shocked, "this..."

He subconsciously looked at his wife, shocked and incredible, then full of excitement.

Shu Ning looked back at him puzzled: "what's the matter?"

"Anning..." Dongfang chenjiu was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He handed the information to Shu Ning, and his eyes were red. "We finally waited for this day!"

"What?" Shu Ning realized something and quickly looked down at the information in her hand. Before she could finish reading it, tears burst into her eyes: "cherish... Cherish that she is my daughter? Have I found my daughter?", the fastest update of the webnovel!