You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7041

Sheng Xike ignored his right hand and walked on the sofa and sat down.

After being humiliated, Feng Yu didn't get angry. He smiled very easygoing and sat down opposite Sheng Xike. "I understand Sheng Shaozhu's mood very much, but please believe that we don't want to be enemies with Sheng family. Not only that, I'm very grateful to Sheng family for helping me raise my son and raising Yun Wen so well."

At first, he just regarded Sheng Yunwen as a tool to replace his legitimate son.

In his heart, only his hairy wife and his wife's legitimate son Feng Mohan.

As for Sheng Yunwen, an illegitimate son of humble descent, if he did not need Sheng Yunwen to live in the world instead of his legitimate son because he was afraid that his wife could not bear the pain of losing his son, he would not look at Sheng Yunwen.

But in three years, he gradually changed his view of Sheng Yunwen.

Although Sheng Yunwen is his illegitimate son and of humble descent, he was brought up by Sheng jiadang.

His knowledge, conversation, temperament and mind are outstanding.

If his feelings for Sheng Yuanxi had not become a drag on him, he would be almost a perfect person.

In addition to meeting Sheng Yuanxi, he will become a person with unclear mind. He is impeccable in dealing with business or private affairs in the rest of the time.

He is really a very attractive person, more perfect than his original legitimate son Feng Mohan.

As the heir of Feng family, he is also better than the original Feng Mohan.

Of course, no one will ever replace Feng Mohan in his mind.

If Feng Mohan is still alive, even if Sheng Yunwen is excellent, he can't let Sheng Yunwen replace Feng Mohan as the heir of the Feng family. Even, he won't look at Sheng Yunwen more.

But the truth is, Feng Mo is cold.

He has only one son, Sheng Yunwen.

Sheng Yunwen's biological mother is a very beautiful woman who loves vanity and covets wealth.

Therefore, he looked down on Sheng Yunwen and felt that Sheng Yunwen, like his biological mother, was of low blood, mean and shallow.

But after getting along for a long time, he found that the heirs of the rich family he had met were no different, noble, graceful and elegant.

Even though his cosmetic surgery became the appearance of Feng Mohan, his slight difference from Feng Mohan just made up for the shortcomings of Feng Mohan's previous appearance and made his appearance more handsome and perfect.

In three years, a dog will have feelings, not to mention his only and excellent son in the world.

If three years ago, Sheng Yunwen was just a tool man he controlled and used to live in the world instead of his legitimate son Feng Mohan, then three years later, he has sincerely regarded Sheng Yunwen as his own son and the successor of his family in the future.

Sheng Yunwen disobeyed his orders and caught a loophole. When he was unprepared, he took Sheng Yuanxi home and returned Sheng Yuanxi to the Sheng family. Instead of being angry, he felt very proud.

Sheng Yunwen has the ability to do this.

If he has no ability, he can only be a puppet.

Sheng Yunwen was better than he expected to be able to deceive the world and the sea under his eyes and bring Sheng Yuanxi to the country and to Sheng's home.

With such an heir, the closure of the family can flourish for at least several decades.

Sheng Yunwen meets Sheng Xike. He knows.

Sheng Yunwen was beaten by Sheng Xike. He also knew.

This is the reason why he made an appointment with Sheng Xike., the fastest update of the webnovel!