You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7038

He's scared.

He was afraid of dying by his side.

He can bear the sadness of not loving him, but he can't bear the pain of dying.

If he died, he would have no meaning to live.

He would rather die by himself than live.

Taking advantage of Feng Mohan's mother's illness, Feng Yu accompanied Feng Mohan's mother and neglected to prevent him. He took his pity back to China and sent it back to Sheng's home.

After he made this decision, he knew that his secret would be found out by the Sheng family sooner or later.

He knew the consequences of waiting for him, but he couldn't care about anything.

As long as Xi Xi can live well, it doesn't matter what he does in the future.

Big deal, isn't it just a death?

He closed his eyes, tears falling down the corners of his eyes.

Sheng Xike punched him in the face angrily and knocked him to the ground: "who do you show me now? She is a pity and a sister who grew up with you! How can you bear to treat her like that? Has your conscience been eaten by the dog?"

This punch seemed to open an exit, and Sheng Xike couldn't help it.

He pulled Sheng Yunwen up from the ground and punched him in the face and body.

Sheng Yunwen never fought back, clenched his teeth and said nothing.

When Sheng Xike was tired, he stopped and gasped at him: "Sheng Yunwen... No, Feng Mohan, wait, I won't let you go!"

He turned and walked out. Sheng Yunwen staggered to get up, stumbled and rushed in front of him: "Brother, I know I'm wrong. I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry for pity. I'm sorry for my parents. What do you have for me? If you want me to die, I can jump down from the upstairs now, but don't compete with Feng Jia. Feng Yu is a madman. Don't provoke him..."

"Go away!" Sheng Xike kicked him away angrily. He couldn't tell whether he hated more or heartache more.

Who knows Sheng Yunwen, the second young master of Sheng family, doesn't know that he is gentle and elegant?

Why did he live like this?

Why did they cultivate such a failed person after 20 years of hard work?

Sheng Yunwen was kicked to the ground by him. He wanted to go. Sheng Yunwen rushed over and grabbed his ankle.

He crawled on the ground and choked in his voice: "brother, what I said is true. I'll do whatever you want me to do, but you don't want to be the enemy of closing the family... Everything starts from me. I do everything. It has nothing to do with closing the family, and it has nothing to do with closing the reputation. It's all done by me alone. What you want me to do, you tell me, I'll do whatever you want me to do..."

He was lying on the ground, humble and embarrassed. How could he have the integrity and scenery when he was the second young master of the Sheng family?

Sheng Xike's heart was badly burned by the scene in front of him. He kicked Sheng Yunwen open with one foot and strode towards the door.

When he came to the door, he thought of something and looked back coldly at Sheng Yunwen: "at the beginning, if your father hadn't saved you, you would have died in the orphanage. Your life belongs to the Sheng family. You can't die without the permission of the Sheng family!"

The moment he was about to go out of the door, he was suddenly afraid.

Afraid that he would go downstairs, Sheng Yunwen would jump down the stairs and the body just fell in front of him.

He hasn't decided whether Sheng Yunwen should die, the fastest update of the webnovel!