You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7024

Gu Junzhu chatted with Sheng Xike and hung up his cell phone.

Ye Xingbei asked, "what's the matter? Your face is so dignified?"

Gu Junzhu said, "the dead are resurrected... Interesting."

Ye Xingbei: "... What?"

Gu Jun grabbed her shoulder one by one. "You haven't seen Sheng Xike, the cousin of Xicheng, have you?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I only know that Sheng Xicheng is the eldest son of Er Fang. Da Fang has only one son, named Sheng xicke. Like Dingbang's cousin Chu, he is a soldier."

Gu Junzhu: "

He felt funny and pinched Ye Xingbei's cheek, "soldier?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei patted his hand, "even if the development is good, when a leader, he is also a soldier brother to protect the country!"

"Brother Bing?" Gu Jun picked his eyebrows one by one.

Ye Xingbei: "er... Everyone calls it that. Aren't you even jealous of this?"

"No, I'm not jealous," Gu Junzhu smiled and rubbed her head. "I just want to remind you that you shouldn't call them brother Bing. They should call you aunt five."

Ye Xingbei: "... Let them call you uncle five first. Let me hear it!"

"Yes," Gu Junzhu smiled and nodded, "I'll ask them to call you at the next party."

Ye Xingbei: "... Oh, just let them call you, or don't let them call me. I'm afraid they'll call me old."

Let the children call him uncle five or something. Others may not be able to do it, but Uncle Gu will certainly do it!

She won't join the fun.

She's still a baby. She doesn't want to be a fifth aunt!

Gu Jun chuckled and didn't speak any more. His eyes were fixed at a certain point, and he looked distracted.

Ye Xingbei didn't bother him. When his eyes turned again, he whispered to him, "what just thought? So distracted?"

"Thinking about Sheng Xike," Gu Jun rubbed the back of her head one by one. "In recent years, Sheng Xike and brother Ting, like them, have been in the army all year round. We rarely meet, but we also grew up together. It's the same with the definition of Chu, the eldest brother of Dingbang."

It doesn't mean that when we grow up, we go our separate ways and become estranged.

When I grew up together, even if I haven't seen each other for many years, I always miss each other. I can't see each other at ordinary times. I say hello across the mobile phone screen, and my feelings have always been hot.

Just like him, before he was injured and retired, he rarely met Sheng Xicheng, Qiao Jieran and Ning Huaijing, but the friendship he grew up with when he was young has always been, and he will not be unfamiliar because he gets together less and leaves more when he grows up.

After he retired due to injury, he returned to Shengxi city and easily integrated into their circle, as if they had been together for so many years.

The same is true of Sheng Xike and Chu.

Although Sheng Xike and Chu define that they are now in the army and they do not get together much, Sheng Xike and Chu define that they will always be a member of their small circle.

"Well, I understand," Ye Xingbei nodded. "It's like Jingxue. I married her respectively. After we had a baby, we focused on the family. We met less than before, but her position in my heart will never change. We will always be best friends!"

Gu Junzhu smiled and rubbed her hair. "Sheng Xike's mother is not in good health. She only gave birth to him, but their family adopted two adopted sons and an adopted daughter. One of them died in an explosion three years ago, but now the adopted daughter lives again!"


PS: yunyun is too careless. This story tells the story of Sheng Xike, the cousin of Shengxi city. Yunyun wrote wrong yesterday. It is hereby corrected. Don't look confused. Yunyun is too confused. Sorry, sorry, bow., the fastest update of the webnovel!