You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7020

She thought for a long time and couldn't make a final decision.

Without saying anything, she turned and left.

Yuance looked at her leaving back and felt disappointed.

Although Ding Shuang personally said to forgive him, his heart was still very sad.

Sad, but also some happiness.

I'm glad Ding Shuang didn't say anything more heartless.

Ding Shuang didn't say that if he continued to pester her, she would hate him or something.

If Ding Shuang said so, he would be really desperate.

Ding Shuang didn't say that, so he could continue to guard her and wait for her.

When you are sincere, gold and stone are open.

As long as his original heart doesn't change, he believes that Ding Shuang will forgive him one day.


Carve time.

When Gu Jun came back one by one, ye Xingbei couldn't wait to tell him the good news that Xie Yunlin and Cheng Fengsu got their marriage certificate.

Gu Junzhu took her in his arms and kissed her. He jokingly said, "is that so happy?"

"Of course!" Ye Xing smiled and said, "how difficult is my big brother? I'm certainly happy to have the beauty back after waiting so long!"

"Well, it's hard for your eldest brother," Gu Jun nodded with a smile. "Your second brother got married and divorced. After divorce, he found a new girlfriend. He just got the marriage certificate. It's really hard to be so fast!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She angrily patted Gu Junzhu on the arm, "did you do it on purpose? Why are you so bad?"

Which pot doesn't open, which pot!

"Men are not bad, women don't love," Gu Junzhu kissed her with a smile. "I'm not bad, can you love me?"

"Fallacy!" Ye Xingbei laughed and snorted, "I don't like bad men. I only like good men!"

Gu Jun stared at her with a smile: "do you like me?"

Even if he knows he's joking, ye Xingbei doesn't want to say he doesn't like it.

She smiled and snorted, "guess."

Gu Junzhu said, "I guess you like me."

Ye Xing turned his face to one side and said, "you know why!"

Gu Junzhu smiled and said, "you said you only like good men, and you said you like me. From this, it can be inferred that I am a good man!"

"Of course you are a good man. Who says you are not a good man?" Ye Xingbei turned back, put his arm around his neck and kissed him. "You are the best and best man in the world! Unique, exclusive!"

"Sure enough, women are fickle," Gu Junzhu said with a smile. "I just asked why I was so bad. Now I have become the best man in the world."

Ye Xingbei: "

She patted him silently, "you tease me again! Forget it, I won't talk to you, but you!"

Gu Jun hugged her and smiled, "you can wait until the evening to convince me..."

Ye Xingbei: "... It's not dark yet. Don't dream! You said it yourself. Let me raise it for half a year. It's not four months yet!"

Mr. Gu loved her and vowed to touch her again in half a year.

She also wants to have a good rest.

Although she is already a mother of five children, she still wants to keep her body strong and return to her best state, so as not to be unworthy of the fifth master!

"Alas!" Gu Junzhu sighed deeply and rubbed her head, "how can time pass so slowly?"

He leaned over and looked at the little fish lying in the crib playing with their small hands and feet and swimming. "Baby, do you know how much dad paid to have you? You should grow up quickly. Do you know? When you grow up, you take over and work for Dad, and dad takes mom around the world!", the fastest update of the webnovel!