You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 700

"I won't go back," Duan Yan said coldly, "that's not the life I want. I just want to be quiet and live a quiet life. Don't disturb me, or I'll pull you black."

After that, he hung up viciously.

On the other side of the mobile phone, Yan Wenqing took the phone which had been hung up. He hooked the corner of his lip and said, "go on, let a Fei take good care of the young master. The young master is short of a hair, and let them cut their heads to make amends!"

Standing by the door, the man in black nodded and said, "yes, master!"

Yan Wenqing went back to the table, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down.

He threw the wine glass back on the table and held the pocket watch in his pocket. His fierce eyes flashed by, "a Ruan, I failed to protect you and let you and our son live in exile. God bless me to find our son Don't worry, Ruan. Yan and Heijin belong to our son. No one wants to rob them The girl our son wants is also our son's I'll give our son whatever he wants I will never let our son suffer what we have suffered... "

He raised his left hand and kissed the ring on his finger.

It's just an ordinary silver ring, which doesn't match his powerful status. However, he has been wearing it for more than 20 years, and has never taken it off since that day.

His thin lips rubbed on the silver ring and whispered: "a Ruan, you wait. Our son has gone to find our daughter-in-law. We are going to have a grandson to hold

Gu's manor.

Decorate Duan Yanbing's room. Ye Xingbei shouts Duan Yanbing to take a bath and make him comfortable. Then she goes to find xiaoshumiao and Lingyue.

There have been a lot of things happening recently, and she is a little neglecting the two little guys.

Fortunately, there are many people in my family. Now there are more Qiao Zui and Fang Yao. They have become the new idols of the two kids.

Joe drunk coax children have a set, the small sapling coax to see him on the eye red heart, cousin long cousin short around the round, like he likes.

She could see that the young tree liked life better than before.

Xiao shumiao'er loves and needs her very much, but he also needs other friends, relatives and teachers.

Now, she can give her son whatever he needs.

That's good.

On the lawn in the backyard, Qiao Zui didn't know where to get a glider, and snow, xiaoshumiaoer and Ling Yue were working around the glider.

Ye Xingbei walks over with a smile and stops behind Qiao Zui: "Xiao Qiao, don't die. Can your arm play with a glider?"

"Little aunt," said Joe, looking back at her with a sad face, "doesn't it mean that exposing people doesn't mean exposing short stories? How can you so cruelly point out the fact that I am disabled? My painful heart

He covered his heart with one hand, in agony.

"Brother Biao is not sad," the young tree rushed to him, put his arms around his neck, gave him a big ace, and said with adoration: "brother Biao, even if you have one arm, you are more powerful than many people. You are Yang Guo, you are a one armed warrior!"

“……” Qiao Zui pinched his tender face: "I'm not comforted by you. What should I do? Little cousin

"Well..." Little sapling tilted his head to look at him, blinked, took out a lollipop from his pocket, peeled off the sugar paper, and put it into Joe's mouth: "cousin, give you sugar to eat, and you will be happy after eating sugar." , the fastest update of the webnovel!