You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6988

"Why is this?" Ji Zhiyan, who has always been calm and strong outside, showed a confused and fragile appearance at this moment: "I love Ruan Ruan! Ruan Ruan is our only daughter. How can I not love her? Why..."

Why is their only daughter divorced from them?

"I'm sorry for Ruan Ruan," Ruan Cheng sighed and took out his mobile phone: "let me talk to Ruan Ruan..."

He took his cell phone to the compartment.

The mobile phone was quickly connected. Ruan Dai's voice was as sweet as ever: "Hello, dad?"

"Ruan Ruan," Ruan Cheng's heart was as soft as his daughter's voice, "just now, your second uncle's family moved out. When will you move back?"

"Oh," Ruan Dai asked lazily, "why did the second uncle move out?"

Ruan Cheng was embarrassed, but he briefly told Ruan Dai what had just happened.

After a pause, he said softly, "Ruan Ruan, it's your father who is sorry for you. Your mother misses you very much. Will you move back?"

"I'm sorry, Dad," said Ruan Dai, but with little apology. "The agreement I signed with my employer is 24-hour on call, so I have to live here and can't move back."

"Ruan Ruan, quit your job," Ruan Cheng frowned. "Liquidated damages, Dad, help you out."

"No," said Ruan Dai with a smile, "I like this job very much. Don't you and mom love your career very much? What I choose now is also my career. I believe my parents can understand me, right?"

Ruan Cheng frowned more tightly: "Ruan Ruan, dad knows that in the past, dad and mom were busy working and ignored you. It's dad's fault. Dad knows it's wrong now. When you come back, mom and dad will accompany you more, okay?"

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Ruan Dai asked strangely: "Why are you so strange today? Aren't you always satisfied with your life? Your parents are around, your brother is under your nose, and your nephews and nieces are within your reach. The people you love and care about are around you. Your life is particularly perfect. Aren't you very satisfied with your life? Why does it sound so lost today?"

She paused and suddenly realized: "is it because the second uncle's family moved away? If so, you can let the second uncle's family move back again! The people you care about are all around you. What you have is a perfect life. How can you let them move away? Or don't you? Otherwise, I'll call you and let them move back?"

"Ruan Ruan!" Ruan Cheng's heart was sour and unspeakable: "I......"

His lips trembled and he didn't know what to say.

Ruan Dai smiled, "Dad, do you know? Girls will get married sooner or later. She has been with her parents for more than 20 years. Other girls have their own parents, their own home, their own intimate and complete space in the more than 20 years she has not been married. What about me? I have nothing."

She is still lying in Gu Qingrun's arms. Her white and beautiful fingers are painted on Gu Qingrun's face. Her eyes are bent and look like smiling, but there is not much smile in her eyes. "My parents and my family should share with others. I don't like it. I want to belong to my own family, but you tell me, you can't be too selfish!", the fastest update of the webnovel!