You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6982

He reluctantly looked at Ruan Mei: "Mei Mei, I can't help you plead. Over the years, your aunt has paid a lot for me. I'm filial to your grandparents and take care of your family. Even if I'm your aunt, I can't do better than her. She's so kind to you, but you're ungrateful and abusive. I can't let you live here again. Move out."

"Uncle..." Ruan Mei wanted to beg again. Ruan's second brother dragged her up from the ground with his collar.

"Cry, cry, cry?" Ruan Laoer dragged her out. "What face do you have to cry? Eat your big aunt, live your big aunt, and scold your big aunt. If I were your big aunt, I would not only drive you out, but also break your teeth, so that you could spit out all the food and drink you have eaten and drunk over the years!"

He dragged Ruan Mei, complained all the way, and threw Ruan Mei out of the villa.

Ruan Mei cried heartbroken and desperately patted the carved gate, "Dad, how can you treat me like this? I'm your own daughter, Dad!"

Ruan Laoer said angrily, "go away! Go away, I don't have the white eyed wolf daughter who takes up the bowl to eat and puts down the bowl to scold her mother!"

He told the gatekeeper, "watch her and don't let him in later."

His heart ached with anger. He didn't want to listen to Ruan Mei's sharp and harsh cry anymore. He hung his head and went back to the living room.

He didn't know how to face his big brother and sister-in-law.

Although he is a bastard and useless, he has a good smell.

Over the years, his eldest brother and sister-in-law raised him like a son.

The whole capital is willing to support a brother's family like this. I'm afraid it's just his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

He doesn't want to be raised by his big brother and sister-in-law. He always wants to make a career and make his parents and big brother proud of him. He also wants to be an indomitable man and support his family on his own ability.

However, it backfired.

It's such a simple thing to watch his big brother do business. It's his turn to lose whatever he does. After tossing around for so many years, he didn't say anything. His big brother has been behind him to wipe his ass and clean up the mess.

He is sorry for his big brother and sister-in-law, but his love for his big brother and sister-in-law is true.

In his heart, his parents, big brother and sister-in-law are his closest relatives. He loves them from the bottom of his heart and hopes them well.

He never expected that his gentle and sensible daughter would hide it from him and scold his sister-in-law behind her back for being treacherous!

When did his quiet and gentle looking daughter become so crooked?

For so many years, their family lived in his brother's and sister-in-law's house, which caused him a lot of trouble. Such a good sister-in-law can't be found with lanterns. His daughter even scolded his sister-in-law for being treacherous?

Is there such a treacherous man in the world who is willing to raise his husband's brother's family without complaint?

His daughter can even scold his good sister-in-law for being treacherous. Her heart must be terrible!

And he raised such a wicked daughter. He was sorry for his big brother and sister-in-law.

He walked into the living room with a ashamed face and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

When old lady Ruan saw that he was so angry that she drove Ruan Mei out, she thought of something to say, "Ah Cheng, Zhi Yan, Ruan Mei's dead girl is not sensible, but the second child and Yang Yang are good. In my opinion, just drive Ruan Mei out alone. The second child and Yang Yang still stay at home. It's better to be a partner for me and your father. Your work is busy. We are old and we don't have a person who knows cold and hot around us. It's inconvenient, don't you say?", the fastest update of the webnovel!