You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 697

He has worked for the country for more than three years, performed undercover duties for more than two years, and worked hard for the country for six years. He is worthy of the country and his clothes.

After performing the undercover task, he is no longer what he used to be and can no longer be competent for the previous role.

It was a long time before he decided to take off his clothes.

Although there are regrets in his heart, he still has dreams and hopes in his heart.

His dream and hope is Ye Xingbei.

But now

"Not a change of business?" Gu Junzhu frowned slightly: "if you get the special medal, the state will arrange a department suitable for you, and the position will not be wrong. Especially if you have been an undercover, the treatment will be better. Haven't you been arranged?"

"It's arranged," Duan Yanbing said with a smile, "but I pushed it."

He looked at Ye Xingbei and his smile was even brighter: "I owe Beibei a life. When I left two years ago, I told Beibei that I would come back to repay her for saving her life, so I pushed off the work arranged for me by the leader and came back to be a bodyguard for Beibei."

He actually wanted to marry her as his wife.

But now, there's no chance.

But he has to have a reason to stay with Beibei.

To be a bodyguard for Beibei is the best choice now.

Ye Xingbei said: "Yanbing, you don't have to do this. You should accept the work arranged by your leaders. How can you push away the good opportunity? I don't need you to repay me. Now go back and tell your leaders that you are willing to accept the arrangement. Is it too late? "

Duan Yanbing laughed and shook his head: "I'm not suitable for such a job any more Look at me... "

He opened his arms and let them see themselves: "in this way, it's still like a dog. Is it no different from before? But here... "

He bent a finger and poked himself in the heart: "it's full of holes here, and Still black, undercover Brother five, I don't have to say. I'm sure I know what day it was. Beibei can think about the movies about undercover that you've seen before. Art comes from life. The days when you're undercover are more cruel and painful than those described in the movies... "

He laughed, looked at them and said: "brother five, Beibei, you know, I'm an orphan. I have no family in the world. You two are my closest people. I'm not afraid that you dislike me. I tell you frankly that I feel my psychology is distorted now. I often can't control my emotions. I want to do something that I feel terrible when I calm down I think I'm in such a state that I can't be competent for the job arranged by the leader, so I want to stay in Beibei and be a bodyguard. I admire snow and rain. I can look around with Beibei. There's no pressure. I think I'm very suitable for this job. "

"This..." Ye Xingbei hesitated.

The person who can get the special medal can see how excellent he is.

Isn't it overqualified to let such a person be a bodyguard for himself?

"Beibei, I beg you to promise me," Duan Yanbing looked at Ye Xingbei with bitter eyes. "I'm alone. I don't know where I can go except you. I have nothing to worry about. I only have the obsession to repay you for saving your life. If you refuse me, I don't know what I should do in the future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!