You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6935

"Rourou, I'm your sister-in-law. How can you talk to me like that?" Zhang Qianqian said discontentedly, "you're sick. Your students come to see you. We should entertain others well. You're sick and can't entertain your students. As your sister-in-law, I should take care of you. I'm kind. You should thank me."

"I didn't feel your kindness," Ling Yue said coldly without waiting to speak softly. "I just feel your flattery to cling to the powerful."

Zhang Qianqian, who was just talking, lost her temper.

She has never seen Ling Yue so straightforward.

People she had met before, no matter what they thought, were always polite.

Unless there is deep hatred between the two sides, they will tear their faces.

Or as between her and gentleness, the accumulated resentment is deep, so she ignores her feelings and no longer gives face to each other.

She and Ling Yue have no grievances and no enmity. Ling Yue doesn't speak politely at all and pokes her face directly.

Whose child is this? Why are you so ignorant?

She scolded Ling Yue for not being sensible and having no tutor, but she dared not say anything. She also accompanied her smiling face: "little classmate, you misunderstood. I am your teacher's sister-in-law. Your teacher is in poor health. My husband and I have always taken care of her. She..."

"That's enough!" she said angrily, "you're not welcome here. You go out!"

If she had scolded her so gently as usual, she would have left a few sarcastic words and left proudly.

But today, Ling Yue stood by the gentle hospital bed, proud and noble. In Zhang Qianqian's eyes, she was like a little golden boy under the Bodhisattva, shining with gold all over.

With her social status, she rarely gets in touch with high-level people.

She is full of longing and longing for powerful people. It is rare to see the children of really rich people in real life. She is not willing to leave like this.

She clenched her teeth, secretly scolded her tenderness in her heart, but still smiled on her face, "little classmate, did you come alone? The hospital is not suitable for children. It's too dangerous for you to be a child outside. Why don't you send you back?"

Gentleness didn't want her students to be involved with villains like Zhang Qianqian. She said angrily, "Zhang Qianqian, can't you understand people? How my students come and go back has nothing to do with you. Get out!"

She is a gentle person and seldom loses her temper with others. The word "roll" is the most ugly word she can say in her life.

She really hated Zhang Qianqian to the extreme before she could say such vulgar words.

Zhang Qianqian changed her face. "Gentle, how can you talk to me? Don't forget that since I married you, your brother and I have kept you. I care about your food and drink, your illness and hospitalization. Your brother and I have kept you for so long, and we have raised you such a white eyed wolf, haven't we?"

"You shut up!" I felt dizzy before my gentle eyes.

There are not only her, Zhang Qianqian and Ling Yue in the ward, but also other patients and companions.

Zhang Qianqian said that she and her brother raised her a lot of money, and others looked at her curiously.

It is true that she spent a lot of money on her brother.

However, things happen for a reason.

What can she do in full view?

Explain to everyone in the room why her brother keeps her?

Maybe she did, but she was gentle and introverted. Now she coughed angrily and couldn't speak for a moment., the fastest update of the webnovel!