You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6933

Therefore, even if she lives in pain, difficulty and guilt, she always lives strong.

After her serious injury, her brother became quiet, calm and mature.

He left his friend's company and opened a small company with a good income.

By reason, their life should be better and better day by day.

But Zhang Qianqian was pregnant and everything changed.

Her brother had a small family and gradually separated from the big family.

Her brother, Zhang Qianqian and her unborn child, her brother, they are a family.

She is a family with her father and mother.

Zhang Qianqian controls all her brother's income.

Her mother is in poor health and has no income. Her father has a pension to support two patients. Life is difficult again.

Her brother occasionally gives her mother hundreds of dollars without telling Zhang Qianqian. Her mother doesn't say anything every time and accepts it silently.

She could see that her mother was very sad.

Her mother doesn't want her brother's money if she can.

The money her brother gave her mother was not filial piety but charity to her mother.

If conditions at home permit, her mother doesn't want to accept the handout.

But, No.

With her drag, her mother has no room to refuse.

She's in pain.

She didn't know if she regretted saving her brother.

Regret it?

He sacrificed his health, future, even future marriage and life, and saved a brother who turned his face when he married a wife.

Did she regret it?

She doesn't know.

At any time, she recalled the picture of that day, even if it was just an illusion, she never stood still and saw the stick hit the back of her brother's head.

The stick was so thick, with the roaring wind. The back of the brain was one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. If the stick really hit her brother's back of the brain that day, her brother would probably die.

Indeed, her brother changed later, but when she was a child, her brother was really good to her, loved her and protected her for so many years.

Besides, he is the only son of her parents.

How sad would her parents be if her brother died?

She can't regret saving her brother at the beginning. She can only hate that she is not good enough. She has kept her body for so long and hasn't improved, which has dragged down her parents.

She didn't complain that her brother no longer gave money to support her and her parents.

At first, she volunteered to save her brother. No one forced her. Without that law, after she saved her brother, her brother had to support her all her life.

So when her brother stopped giving her and her parents money, she didn't go to her brother.

She didn't go to the theory, didn't ask her brother for money, and didn't complain about her brother.

She thought she had enough forbearance, enough benevolence and righteousness, but Zhang Qianqian even ran to her eyes to sneer.

She doesn't understand how a person can be so bad?

Her brother told Zhang Qianqian that he would take care of his sister all his life.

The original Zhang Qianqian smiled sincerely, brightly and sincerely guaranteed that she didn't mind at all, and she would take care of her with her brother.

But actually?

That's just her delaying strategy.

She never wanted to raise her with her brother all her life.

She had already made a plan in her heart, first coaxing her brother to marry her, and then persuading her brother to get rid of her., the fastest update of the webnovel!