You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6930

Xiaoshumiao nodded and left with Qin Junye.

Ling Yue asks Xiang Yang to leave with the young trees. He takes Xiang Ke to pay for him.

He actually wants to help gentleness change to a better ward.

He also had a hard time with his grandmother when he was a child, but he hasn't suffered a little since he recognized Gu Junzhu as a master.

He can enjoy happiness and suffer. If he is ill and let him live in a ward like gentle, he has no problem, but now he has the ability to help gentle change a good ward, so he will consider whether to help gentle change it.

He hesitated for a moment and finally decided not to change. He only paid the hospitalization fee to tenderness.

For him, it doesn't cost him much to change the ward for tenderness, but it's just a small effort, but for tenderness, it may be a great psychological burden.

Some people don't take advantage enough, but others will feel that they owe a lot to others and have a heavy psychological burden if they accept the kindness of others.

Like him.

At the beginning, he owed the kindness of his master, his mother and xiaoshumiao'er. For a long time, his heart was heavy.

He didn't know how to repay his master, his mother and xiaoshumiao.

He felt that he owed them so much that he wanted to repay them by making cattle and horses.

But they have everything and don't need his reward.

He could only owe them all the time, and he felt very sad.

After a long time, he really regarded his master, his mother and xiaoshumiao as his relatives, so he didn't feel indebted to them.

Because they are a family and a whole, Shifu, Shifu and xiaoshumiao are kind to him, and he is also kind to Shifu, Shifu and xiaoshumiao. Their feelings are mutual. He doesn't feel indebted to them, and the boulder in his heart moves away.

Their relationship with gentleness is not very close. They are willing to help gentleness, but gentleness may not be willing to owe them.

Paying the medical expenses is to solve the urgent need of tenderness. I have to do it. Changing the ward for tenderness is an additional psychological burden for tenderness.

After paying the medical expenses to tenderness, he returned to the tenderness ward and planned to make it clear to tenderness.

If it were Qin Junye, Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yanjing, they might leave after paying the money and do well without leaving a name.

But he doesn't.

He is used to making everything clear to his face.

This is his character.

He went to the door of the gentle ward and heard a voice in the ward that sounded very uncomfortable: "sister, your brother went to help me get the checklist. You'll see your brother later. Don't talk nonsense. I have your warm seed in my stomach. You don't want my child to have three long and two short, do you?"

The gentle voice trembled: "you go out, I don't want to see you!"

"What are you talking about?" the woman said discontentedly, "I'm a pregnant woman. I came to see you with gifts. Why don't you know good people so well?"

"Come to see me specially?" she sneered softly. "Didn't you come to do the birth inspection? Why are you so hypocritical?"

"Is it my hypocrisy or your hypocrisy?" Zhang Qianqian said contemptuously, "if you have a minor illness, you will come to the hospital. Do you think the hospital is opened by our family? Don't you know what's going on in our family? Even if there are Jinshan and Yinshan in our family, you will be defeated by you. What's more, there are no Jinshan and Yinshan in our family.", the fastest update of the webnovel!