You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 691

The caretakers, the Ye family and the Chi family soon went clean, leaving only the ye Bingjun family in the living room.

Ye Liu and ye Ying quickly ask the bodyguard to call the family doctor to treat Ye Weiyang.

A moment later, ye Bingjun's three sons and one daughter rushed back after hearing the news and learned about the misfortune of Ye Weiyang and ye Weizhi and ye Mingquan's decision to divide the clan. They were all very sad.

More than an hour later, the Ye family sent a list.

The person who comes to send the list is strict and clear. The person on the list can continue to work in Ye's office and keep the original position unchanged. The person who does not appear on the list has nothing to do with Ye's in the future and will not be employed by Ye's all his life.

Ye Bingjun took it over with trembling fingers and looked at it, then handed the list to several children to pass on.

Several people looked at it and knew why it was the result.

The seven people on the list are all mild and never guilty of Ye Xingbei, including Ye Liu and ye Ying.

Ye Liu and ye Ying are not as beautiful as ye Tao, and they are not as eloquent as ye Tao. They are not as popular as ye Tao. They have been bullied by Ye Tao since childhood, and have developed a gentle and tolerant temperament.

They and ye Xingbei can't talk about sisterhood, but they can say hello peacefully when they meet. They never quarrel with Ye Xingbei.

The other five, three of Ye Bingjun's grandsons and two of Ye Bingjun's grandsons, are all gentle and have never bullied Ye Xingbei.

Ye Bingjun has three sons, three daughter-in-law, one daughter and one son-in-law, none of which is on the list.

He knows that this is to anger his sons and daughters, who have no way to teach their children, and let their sons and daughters bully Ye Xingbei.

And ye Mingquan, the seven people, had fully realized the last friendship between their brothers. In the future, it would be more difficult for them to take advantage of the Ye family.

What's more, when the news of the separation spread, they were no longer the noble Ye family, but one of the ordinary families in Y country.

As soon as he loosened his fingers, the list fell to the ground with a bitter smile on his face.

The so-called geomancy turns in turn, that's it.

Who would have thought that ye Xingbei, who was bullied wantonly by his grandson and granddaughter in those years, is now not only the young wife of the family, but also the flesh of Ye Wuwei's heart?

Therefore, we should be more kind in our life. Don't hold it high and step on it low.

Maybe one day, the insect you step on will become the dragon in the cloud.

Unfortunately, he understood the truth too late.


Ye Xingbei follows Ye Xing back to her former room.

Ye Xingli took her to the door and said to her, "take a bath and change your clothes. My father and your second uncle asked me and my brother to buy you a lot of new clothes and jewelry when you left the room. After taking a bath, you can choose by yourself. I'll go to the kitchen and make some soothing Soup for you, and then make some delicious food for you."

Ye Xingbei smiles at him, "thank you, brother Li."

"Silly girl, what are you doing with me?" Leaf star from rubs her head, after rubs, the heart guilty looked back.

Fortunately, Gu Junzhu didn't catch up. He probably talked with his elder brother downstairs.

It's so easy for Gu Wuye to be away. He took the opportunity to knead a few more. When he was satisfied with kneading, he pushed Ye Xingbei into the room. "Go to take a bath quickly. After washing, there will be good food to eat."

Ye Xingbei took a hot bath, opened the cloakroom and found that there were many new clothes in it.

Her white fingertips crossed the rows of new clothes with mixed feelings. , the fastest update of the webnovel!