You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6904

After all, he is not strong enough.

Although he has worked hard to cheer up, in fact, he has not really put down in his heart.

As a result, his sensitivity and self-confidence caused that although his organic disease had disappeared, his psychological sensitivity and self-confidence still made him unable.


Fortunately, he met a doctor like Yue yaer.

She must have real talent.

He still remembered the mysterious feeling when he took the first medicine sent by Yue ya'er. He felt his whole body hot, blood flowing and passion burning.

The feeling was so mysterious that he firmly believed that the medicine had an effect on him.

So that night, he and Bai Ruo spent the late wedding night.

The next day, although there was no mysterious feeling like the first day, Yue ya'er's words were branded in his mind. He believed Yue ya'er deeply and believed every word he said.

So he can still.

Now, Yue ya'er has solved all the puzzles, but he doesn't doubt that he will die again tonight.

Because he has understood that he has no problem there.

He's fine.

In the future, he doesn't have to go around looking for medicine.

What he wants to do is to be stronger, really put aside his inferiority complex and be a man.

His leg is indeed lame, but his people will not be a dwarf because of his lameness.

He is disabled, even not there. Bai Ruo still loves him, still accompanies him and never gives up.

It can be seen that it's nothing to be lame. He is still a good man and worthy of love.

He took Bai ruo's hand and solemnly thanked Yue Yaer: "thank you, doctor Yue."

"You're welcome," Yue ya'er smiled. "Give roses and leave fragrance in your hands. I'm also very happy to think that you can live a happy life in the future."

This is not the scene, it is the truth.

Even she didn't know when she changed quietly.

In the past, she gave roses and left fragrance in her hand?

What does it have to do with me if others are dead or alive?

I don't know when she changed unconsciously.

Become... Kind.

The word "kindness" was a little ridiculous for her in the past.

For her now, she feels very valuable.

After meeting Ye Xingbei and coming to Gu's house, she got too much love.

Every day, there is not only love, but also family affection, friendship, loyalty and faith.

Before, her eyes were full of bumps and thorns.

But now she sees flowers and truth, goodness and beauty.

She got too much love.

Late love.

Ye Xingbei's family affection.

Gu's bodyguards and Chi's bodyguards are loyal and protective to her.

She lives in a warm, happy and safe atmosphere every day.

So, she changed, and she also had love in her heart.

She is willing to love others and try her best to help others. When she sees others happy, she will feel happy and moved.

She is happy about her change.

Because she is more and more like a man with flesh and blood and full of fireworks.

This is very good. She hopes that for the rest of her life, she can always be so warm and happy. She can be an ordinary but happy fireworks couple with Chi Zhan, hold her son's hand and watch the flowers bloom and fall together. When her heart has spare power, she can help a group of people they can help, do good deeds and accumulate blessings, pray for the next life, meet each other and ye Xingbei., the fastest update of the webnovel!