You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 69

See ye Xingbei angry, Gu Jun by touch the nose, stand up, go to snow opposite, "up."

This man, without hesitation, kneels to him to beg for mercy, should be only the subordinate of Ye Xingbei, and has no other idea about ye Xingbei.

Otherwise, as a man, who is willing to kneel down to his rival?

Ye Xingbei hands to help snow, snow grain silk did not move.

Gu Junzhu opened his mouth. He kowtowed to Gu Junzhu and said, "thank you, uncle!"

Then he got up and stood aside with his head down.

Gu Jun looked up and down at him and looked at Ye Xingbei askew: "his tongue?"

Ye Xingbei's face flashed a look of heartache and stretched out his hand to twist Gu Junzhu's back.

She made a firm effort to grasp a piece of meat, just hard to twist a circle.

That piece of meat hurt as if to be torn down from her body, Gu Jun by face is not moving.

He has long heard friends say, twist, pinch, bite, these are little girl to his man coquetry means, no matter how much pain to endure!

He is a good man with an open mind and doesn't care about his own women.

"Return to uncle," see ye Xingbei don't speak, snow droop head to say: "the subordinate's tongue was cut off by the previous master."

Snow slightly raised his head, tongue let Gu Junzhu see.

See snow missing a piece of the tongue, Gu Jun by frown, looking to the north of the leaf star.

Ye Xingbei twisted his back and said to snow, "snow, go out and get ready first. We'll pick up the little tree together in a moment."

"Yes, miss!" Snow nodded, bowed her head, stepped back a few steps, and then turned to leave.

Snow just went out, the door closed, Ye Xing North broke out, vigorously pushed Gu Jun one by one: "snow has been very poor, why do you bully him? Why are you so annoying

Gu Junzhu was shaken by her body, grabbed her wrist, pulled her into his arms and encircled her: "how do I know he is your bodyguard? You see, he's no worse than ye Xinglan. I thought where did you get xiaobailian

Ye Xingbei was angry and laughed by him. He struggled a few times and couldn't earn it. He raised his foot and trampled on his feet. "You're raising little white face! I don't worry enough about raising my son. Do I still have a little white face? Who do you think I am? "

"When I see a big man holding your feet and feeling and pinching, how can I think about who you are?" Gu Jun encircles Ye Xingbei's waist one by one, pinches her face in one hand, "I say seriously, put in the past, the woman's foot was seen by the man, will marry that man! Although it's not like before, I can't bear it when you are pinched by a man's feet. No one can touch your feet in the future! "

"What does it have to do with me that you can't bear it?" Ye Xingbei pushed him hard: "Gu Junzhu, we are just pretending to be husband and wife, OK? Don't go too far into the play! Who should I ask to massage my feet with your approval? You're too broad, aren't you

"Pretending to be husband and wife is also husband and wife!" Gu Junzhu frowned and his voice was cold. "Ye Xingbei, you promised me that as long as we didn't get the divorce certificate, you would be loyal to our marriage and wouldn't go out to find a wild man!"

"Why are you so unreasonable?" Ye Xing North gas of beat him, "I have explained, snow is my close bodyguard, I have walking more foot pain problem, he just give me massage feet! What wild man? Why do you speak so badly? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!