You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6898

He blamed himself for not telling her about it himself.

But she can understand Qin Churong.

That kind of thing is what men care about most. It's about men's face. Several men have the courage to say to the girl they're going to marry, I can't do that.

Qin Churong and the Qin family didn't cheat on marriage. They told her parents the truth. They have done their utmost.

They thought that her parents would tell her the truth. She was willing to marry Qin Churong in order to let the Qin family help the Bai family.

They didn't know that her parents were so cruel that they hid the truth in order to make her agree to marry Qin Churong.

She married Qin Churong in a muddle headed way. She didn't blame Qin Churong, but her parents.

Before she knew that Qin Churong couldn't do that, she had a good feeling for Qin Churong.

Although Qin Churong was lame in one leg, he was gentle and gentle. He did not complain about himself. He was warm and optimistic. His temperament was like orchid. He smiled very warm and broke people's hearts.

His temperament made her ignore his disability.

She is willing to marry him.

Qin Churong also saw that she really liked him and liked him, so he nodded and agreed to marry her.

Although Qin Churong has a disability, the Qin family has hundreds of millions of assets. Qin Churong has only one heir, so even if he has a disability, there are some girls willing to marry him.

But Qin Churong didn't want to marry the girl who married him for money. He saw that she really liked him and married her.

But no one thought that her parents did so well that they hid the most important thing.

The Qin family and Qin Churong didn't expect it, and she didn't expect it.

The wedding night became a bolt from the blue for her and Qin Churong.

She doesn't know that Qin Churong can't.

Qin Churong thought she knew he couldn't, but she still liked him.

Both were mistaken.

Both were hit.

All night, neither she nor Qin Churong slept.

The next day, Qin Churong told her that it was unrealistic to divorce immediately.

His parents can't accept the divorce immediately. The Qin family will lose all their faces, and her parents will make trouble.

Qin Churong discussed with her and asked her to bear it for the first half of the year or a year, and then they divorced on the grounds of different personalities. In this way, everyone is easier to accept.

She agreed.

In order to take care of Qin Churong's parents' feelings, she and Qin Churong still live in the same room and pretend to be in love.

Anyway, Qin Churong can't do anything to her

She had thought, as Qin Churong said, that after a year and a half, she and Qin Churong divorced on the grounds of personality incompatibility.

Who knows, they are together. She is completely attracted by Qin Churong.

She fell in love with Qin Churong.

This man is really good.

Temperament, bearing, mind and conversation are good everywhere.

She likes him more and more day by day.

She doesn't want a divorce.

Qin Churong also couldn't bear her.

So, originally because he lost confidence and didn't want to continue treatment, he began to travel to major hospitals and see countless doctors for her.

Every time, they got only one answer. Qin Churong had no problem. He had no problem except that he was a little weak and lame.

But he just can't!

He just couldn't. the doctor said he had no problem, indicating that the doctor couldn't find the cause.

If you can't find the cause, you can't treat it and recover.

After seeing countless doctors, Yan Jingxue introduced Yue ya'er to them.

Yan Jingxue said Yue Yaer's medical skills are superb, especially in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Their desperate hearts rekindled a glimmer of hope.

Here they are.

However, Yue ya'er gave them the same answer as the doctors they had seen before, the fastest update of the webnovel!