You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6896

"OK?" Ye Xingbei was surprised.

She thought Bai Ruo wanted a divorce!

"Yes, it's OK," Yan Jingxue nodded. "Although Qin Churong is lame, he can't do that, but he has a good character. If he gets along with him for a period of time, he feels poor and respectable, and can't bear to divorce him, he will accompany him everywhere to seek medical advice, hoping to cure him. After I know her experience, I think of your doctor Yue!"

She pulled Ye Xingbei's sleeve: "what? Beibei, for my sake, let your doctor Yue show ruo's husband?"

Ye Xingbei: "... This... Has a problem..."

She was afraid that Chi Zhan would explode if she knew.

Yue ya'er is a girl. If a girl sees a man's disease, Chi Zhan may feel uncomfortable if he knows it.

"Oh, I know it's a little difficult for people," Yan Jingxue frowned and sighed. "But if it's really poor! She is soft hearted. She thinks Qin Churong is a good person. She can't bear to divorce Qin Churong and crack down on Qin Churong, but if she doesn't divorce, she has to live alone all her life. It's too poor! Beibei..."

She grabbed Ye Xingbei's arm and shook it, flirting: "Please, please, would you please discuss with Dr. Yue? For us, it's embarrassing for girls to treat men with that kind of disease, but in the eyes of other doctors, the patients are both male and female. If Dr. Yue is willing to treat Qin Churong, he can cure Qin Churong. He can not only help Ruo, but also save Qin Churong and heal the dead and the wounded. This is a great merit! Beibei... You Best! North -- "

Ye Xingbei: "

She had no choice but to nod reluctantly: "well, I'll mention it to ya'er, but the ugly words are said in front. I won't force ya'er. If ya'er doesn't want to, it's like you haven't mentioned it."

"OK!" Yan Jingxue nodded vigorously: "just mention it to her. As long as she shows a little reluctance, I don't beg her like I just begged you!"

"OK." Ye Xingbei sighed, called Yue Yaer and asked if Yue Yaer had time to come.

Yue ya'er came soon. After listening to Yan Jingxue's story, he smiled casually, "OK, let him come and I'll help him."

"OK?" Ye Xingbei frowned and asked, "if ah Zhan knows, will he be unhappy? Ya'er, if you feel embarrassed, forget it."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Yue ya'er said. "I'll take his pulse. I won't check a certain part for him. Ah Zhan is not so stingy."

Ye Xingbei: "


She coughed awkwardly. "OK, that's good."

I really asked Yue Yaer to examine a certain part of a male patient. Young master Chi Er knew that young master Chi Er might faint!

It's good to feel your pulse, watch, smell and ask!

Yan Jingxue also thinks that this is very good.

She didn't expect Yue ya'er to cure Qin Churong. She just went to the doctor in a hurry. Try whatever she can.

Qin Churong had seen many doctors before he married Bai Ruo.

After marrying Bai Ruo, Bai Ruo accompanied him to see many doctors.

At home and abroad, traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and folk prescriptions, I have thought about all kinds of methods, but there has never been any improvement.

Yan Jingxue thought of Yue ya'er.

As far as she knows, the patient in Yue ya'er's hand has not been cured!, the fastest update of the webnovel!