You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6894

"My own chief lawyer, why should I deny his excellence?" Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "aren't you looking after the children at home? Why are you so well informed? You even know that Wen Chang is staring at Gu Yan."

"It's boring to watch children every day. I'm counting on these gossip to live. How can I not know?" Yan Jingxue said: "moreover, the old lady's temperament is very publicized. Now who in the circle doesn't know that she has an eye on lawyer Gu of Gu's group? The wolf has an eye on meat, which is very tight!"

Ye Xingbei smiled, "is there such an exaggeration?"

"Yes," Yan Jingxue said, "speaking of this, I have to mention your second brother and Su ran. How are they?"

"In the stable communication," sighed Ye Xingbei, "the two people still get along well, but once bitten by a snake, they are afraid of the well rope for ten years. What my eldest brother and I mean is to calm my second brother and talk with Su ran for two or three years. When their shortcomings are almost exposed, they are still willing to choose each other as their partner and formally determine the relationship."

"Well, that's good," said Yan Jingxue. "It's nothing to divorce once. If you divorce again, someone will talk about it. Even if your second brother is better, someone will chew the tongue and say that divorce once is the problem of the woman. Is it also the problem of the woman to divorce twice? It must be the problem of the man, so you will be divorced twice!"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei nodded. "We also have concerns in this regard. In addition, we hope to get married after the relationship is stable. The probability of divorce is relatively small. In case of divorce after marriage with children, it will harm the children."

"Well, that's good," Yan Jingxue asked again, "where's your big brother? Is a good thing coming?"

"Soon," she asked. Ye Xingbei was a little funny. "Did you come to me to gossip or to talk about business?"

The topic is far away. Several topics will change in a while.

"Oh, yes," Yan Jingxue patted her head. "I've been silly for three years. I've been more and more silly since I gave birth to youYou!"

"Don't come," Ye Xingbei smiled at her. "If you like gossip, say you like gossip. What do you rely on us? We're too young to carry such a big pot!"

Yan Jingxue cut, "it was!... where were we just talking about?"

Ye Xingbei thought, "speaking of Bai ruo's parents, they found a man and married Bai Ruo."

"Yes," Yan Jingxue nodded and said angrily, "I think people really change. I thought ruo's parents loved her before. Now I know it's all fake!"

Ye Xingbei asked, "what's the matter? The marriage partner Bai ruo's parents found for Bai Ruo is not very good?"

"It's not just bad? It's terrible!" Yan Jingxue said angrily, "his family background is very good. He dumped Baijia eight streets, but that man is not only lame, bad for his line, but also..."

She coughed, leaned to Ye Xingbei's ear and whispered, "he can't do that..."

Ye Xingbei: "

Although Yan Jingxue didn't say which aspect was not good, since she said "that aspect was not good" so mysteriously, she knew which aspect was not good.

She frowned: "isn't it for Bai Ruo to keep alive?", the fastest update of the webnovel!