You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6892

However, ye Xingbei will not be biased towards small fish.

When feeding the little fish first, she would hold the little fish for a while, coax him and boast about him, and make up for it from other places.

They are all her babies, whether they love to cry or not, they are the meat on the tip of her heart. She will not favor one over the other!

Xiaoyou is the most good-natured of the four little ones. Eating, he fell asleep quietly and didn't cry from beginning to end.

Ye Xingbei pitied and loved him, kissed him again and again, and then gently put him on the crib.

Staring at the two children for a moment, she saw that they were all asleep. She picked up her cell phone to pass the time.

Open your cell phone and see some private messages.

There were several daily inquiries sent by Gu Jun one by one. She smiled and took some pictures of small fish and swimming sleeping.

Gu Junzhu was probably busy and didn't reply to her.

The other ones were sent to her by Yan Jingxue and asked her what she was doing.

She input information: sleeping with the little fish and swimming.

Yan Jingxue replied quickly: can I take youyou to play with you?

Her baby son and Han Zuo's baby name is youyou.

Ye Xingbei: of course.

Yan Jingxue: wait for me, right away! [kiss] [kiss] [kiss]

Ye Xingbei smiled and accompanied xiaoyu'er and youyou for a while. He estimated that Yan Jingxue was coming. He got up and left the bedroom and let xuenuo and Yunuo enter the room to accompany xiaoyu'er and youyou.

She went downstairs, took some peppermint desserts, brought a few cups of freshly squeezed juice and put it on the rattan table under the tree outside.

Yan Jingxue led Xiao youyou over and saw her from a distance. Tut tut: "you really enjoy it more and more! Look at your leisurely and comfortable appearance, how can you be like the mother of five children? I'm just a little ancestor. I'm going to be crazy by him?"

"Did you say that about the child's mother?" Ye Xingbei smiled angrily and picked up a piece of milk yellow pastry to tease xiaoyouyou: "Youyou, come to Aunt Beibei. Aunt Beibei has delicious food!"

"Aunt!" xiaoyouyou immediately released Yan Jingxue's hand and ran to the north of Ye Xing.

Ye Xingbei looked at his little hand: "is your little hand clean?"

The little guy took his two little fat hands to his eyes, flashed his eyes, raised his little head slightly, opened his little mouth: "ah -"

Ye Xingbei was amused by him and replaced the milk yellow pastry with milk beans.

Milk beans are small. They are only the size of soybeans. Children just take one bite at a time.

The milk beans dissolved in the mouth and soon disappeared. Xiao youyou's mouth opened wider: "ah --"

it's so delicious.

It's just too small.

It doesn't taste!

Ye Xingbei grabbed a handful of milk beans and fed him one by one.

Yan Jingxue sat down beside her, "Why are you so quiet today? Where are the children?"

"Er Bao and San Bao went to play in the backyard," Ye Xingbei said. "The little fish and you you are still sleeping and awake."

Xiao youyou opened her eyes wide and looked at Yan Jingxue with a crooked head: "Mom, I'm going to play with my baby brother!"

Children like playing with children most. Xiaoyouyou likes playing with Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie most, because Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are good-looking!

The little guy is not big. He is still a small bean, but like his Yan Kong's mother, he likes to look good.

The children of the family are good-looking. He likes them all!

Yan Jingxue asked him, "are you eating delicious food here or going to play with your baby brothers?", the fastest update of the webnovel!