You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6890

Ye Xingbei frowned: "do you mean to devote your life to me?"

She had never considered the problem before.

She always thought that xuenuo and Yunuo didn't get married because they didn't meet a girl who could make them move.

Although Yao Yaya and sang Xiaxia are very good, very good, very good, they are not the type that snow and rain Nuo like, so they can only have no fate.

However, her conversation with Gu Junzhu yesterday gave her new ideas.

Will snow and rain promise think like Gu Qingrun and others.

They don't want to get married.

When you get married and have a lover and children, you will have more concerns, so you can't concentrate on taking care of her.

On this thought, she suddenly felt a little anxious.

She doesn't need anyone to devote his life to her, especially those who are really good to her.

The more nice she is to her, the more she hopes that she can be happy.

Especially snow and rain Nuo, snow and rain Nuo came with her at the most difficult and hard time of her life.

For her, snow and snow are her family. She hopes that snow and snow can be happy, get married and have children like her, and live a happy life!

Yunuo and xuenuo looked at each other again.

Yunuo said, "Miss, I don't think our present life is a dedication to you. Xuenuo and I like our present life very much. Here, we not only live like individuals, but also are very stable and calm. No one despises us, let alone humiliates us. We live very well..."

"You are human, you should have lived like this!" Ye Xingbei looked into their eyes and said firmly, "not only that, you can also crave more! For example, like me, get married, have children and form a happy and stable family... You also like children very much, don't you? Don't you want to have some lovely children with your beloved girls?"

Yunuo and xuenuo looked at each other again.

After a long time, Yunuo said, "Miss, we didn't think about this problem. We are very satisfied with our life now. We didn't think about getting married and having children..."

"Think about it now!" Ye Xingbei said decisively: "Don't always think that it's convenient for you to work and take care of me when you're single. I don't need you to take care of me all your life. I'd rather see you take a wife and have children, be a husband and father, and live a happy life like me. When you're too old to walk and are about to leave the world, I think your life is perfect , no regrets! "

Snow Nuo and rain Nuo looked at each other for the nth time, with the same confusion in their eyes.

Before, they really didn't want to get married.

Therefore, both Yao Yaya's pursuit of snow promise and sang Xia's pursuit of rain promise failed.

Because they don't have that mind at all.

They have deleted the item of getting married and having children from their lives. They have never had the option of getting married and having children in their lives.

Therefore, whether Yao Yaya's pursuit or sang Xiaxia's pursuit, they did not consider it, so they resolutely refused.

But now, their eldest daughter, their salvation and their faith say to them, from now on, you can think!

You should seriously think about getting married and having children in the future!, the fastest update of the webnovel!