You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 689

Fenzong means that his ye Bingjun and all his children and grandchildren have nothing to do with Ye Mingquan's pulse!

Ye's family belongs to Ye Mingquan. Through his relationship with Ye Mingquan, although he can't eat meat, he can always drink some broth.

In addition, as the Ye family of Y country, it is easier for his descendants to talk about marriage than ordinary people.

Ye Mingquan is also willing to make a face for him. When his son and grandson get married, ye Mingquan has a house, a car and a lot of money.

If there is a division, there will be a clear division between the two families.

Will ye Mingquan still be in charge of his descendants?

Ye Mingquan frowned and said, "I'm just a cousin. Our elder generation is just two brothers. Tongtong's generation, I have only one daughter. It's all up to your cousins to take care of the family's affairs. Although there are two brothers, Alan and Xiaoli, they are not too many. After the separation, there are only a few of us left in the family. What's the point? I've been with your cousin. Your cousin's family has many children and grandchildren. Isn't your family prosperous? "

"Dad, last time ye Tao bullied Beibei, you came forward to intercede, but this time I can't bear it," Ye Wuwei lowered his eyes, his voice was very light, but he was very firm: "they didn't put my niece in their eyes, that is, they didn't put me in their eyes. In the final analysis, they just looked down on me as a burden, and thought I was a little white face who ate soft food. They were honest The Ye family. "

He looked up at Ye Mingquan and said quietly, "Dad, I'm willing to be redundant because I love Tong Tong. It's not that I don't want to be shameful. I can't bear them beating me in the face so blatantly today."

Ye Wuwei's words are very calm, but his every word is like a knife in Ye Zhitong's heart.

In country y, it's a shame to be involved.

The man who becomes a woman is always despised and stabbed in the spine.

Ye Zhitong is willing to marry Ye Wuwei, not because ye Wuwei is willing to become a redundant person, but because she loves Ye Wuwei deeply.

But at the beginning, her father insisted that ye Wuwei should agree to be a part of the family, so that she would marry Ye Wuwei.

At that time, ye Wuwei was seriously injured and lost his memory. He couldn't remember who he was. They fell in love with each other. Without too much entanglement, he agreed to her father's terms.

She knows that ye Wuwei has suffered a lot of ridicule and ridicule over the years because of her redundancy.

Ye Wuwei didn't care before, and advised her not to.

But at the moment, looking at Ye Wuwei with a calm tone to say that others say that he eats soft food, small white face and so on, ye Zhitong's heart is like a knife, tears rustle down.

She looked at Ye Mingquan pleadingly and said, "Dad, you agree! Brother Wei is right. You and your cousin are only cousins. Even if they are brothers, when they are old enough to have children and grandchildren, they should be separated, let alone cousins. "

Looking at her daughter crying, ye Mingquan hesitated.

He got such a daughter in his life, and the pain was like a lifeblood.

He really attached importance to ye Bingjun's only cousin, but no matter how much he attached importance to it, the more his only daughter went.

Seeing that ye Mingquan was shaken, ye Bingjun was worried: "Ah Wei, didn't the children grab a breakfast just because they didn't understand? As for one meal, is it so serious? When it comes out, doesn't it make people laugh? "

Ye Wuwei looks at him coldly. Suddenly, he steps forward and holds Ye Xingbei's wrist. His eyes sweep from ye Bingjun, ye Weizhi, Ye Liu and ye Ying's face one by one: "I tell you, I want to divide my family with you, not because of a meal, but because you look down on my niece!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!