You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6888

"Let's do this first. Let the rosefinch, Baize and Mingyin go with you. Transfer snow and rain promise to take care of the little fish and swim," Gu Jun patted him on the shoulder one by one and told him, "try it for a period of time first. If you don't feel used to it, you must talk to your parents and we'll transfer it back."

Xiaoshumiao nodded seriously, "OK, Dad, I know."

After chatting with Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei for a while, he went to do his homework.

Gu Jun sent off the young trees one by one, went to Ye Xingbei, sat down and grabbed her shoulder, "you gave me a good son!"

He kissed Ye Xingbei hard, "Why are you so good?"

Ye Xing looked at him with a smile on his north face. "Did I only give you a good son?"

Gu Junzhu: "... No, no, no, five! Each is very good!"

Ye Xingbei smiled and gave him a similar look.

Gu Jun chuckled and pinched her cheek. "My wife has more sons for me. She is full of confidence, and her eyes are getting better and better!"

"Nonsense!" Ye Xingbei laughed and said, "it's obviously white eyed!"

Gu Junzhu said solemnly, "that's my wife's natural beauty. It's hard to give up! It's better to turn her eyes than to throw her eyes!"

Ye Xingbei: "... It's very serious to see you talking to your son. It's not serious to talk to me!"

"Yes!" Gu Junzhu kissed her again: "serious things are left to outsiders, not serious things are for my wife! If I am serious to my wife every day, I'm afraid my wife is worried!"

Ye Xingbei: "... You drive again!"

"Where is it?" Gu Wuye was very innocent: "can you hear driving? Wife, you're finished. Your thought is becoming more and more impure!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Forget it, I won't talk to you. You always say that I have nothing to say."

Gu Jun chuckled and rubbed her head. "I like to see my wife look speechless and can't find words. It's very cute!"

Ye Xingbei smiled, "is it particularly cute or ignorant? You don't want to muddle through!"

"It's very cute, the sprouting of cursive head," Gu Junzhu said thoughtfully: "cursive head..."

Ye Xingbei: "... You've had enough!"

Gu Wuye was innocent: "what did I say, that's enough?"

Ye Xingbei: "... Anyway, I just know what you want to say!"

Don't mention how cold and solemn Gu Wu is outside. As soon as he talks to her, his mind is full of what color!

Gu Junzhu shook his head and tut tut: "wife, you are no longer Wu xiaamun. Now you are also an old driver!"

Ye Xingbei: "... I think you're scolding me!"

"All right, all right!" Gu Junzhu quickly coaxed, "it's not an old driver, it's a fairy! My wife has been my fairy all her life!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Glib!"

Gu Junzhu smiled and answered, "but you like it, don't you?"

Ye Xingbei: "... You say so."

He hugged Ye Xingbei's waist, put his body close to her body, lowered his head, and rubbed her lips with his thin lips: "is it?"

"..." Ye Xing's North leg is soft, "yes!"

Gu Jun smiled one by one, "what is it?"

"I like you!" Ye Xingbei hugged his neck and his cheeks were hot. "I like you very much!... I won't like another person like you anymore!"

"Me too..." Gu Jun smiled more happily and bowed his head to kiss., the fastest update of the webnovel!