You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6886

Ye Xingbei: "... How many people hate you? How many enemies do you have? Does he think too much?"

Gu Jun chuckled, "I really think more, but you must admit that it is possible."

"The possibility is very small," Ye Xingbei said. "Even if there is such a day, there must be another way to solve it. He doesn't have to take precautions and be single all his life."

"Yes," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "he didn't like girls before, so when he thought of those things, he felt that it was good to be single all his life, and there was a lot of trouble. But when he met Ruan Dai, he was moved. In fact, he felt that he could save it."

Ye Xingbei smiled at him: "you can save it again. It's not so useful!"

"That's almost what it means," Gu Junzhu said "In short, the result is good. He and Ruan Dai must be close to a good thing. You don't have to worry about him being single all his life. As for Xiaochi, they don't have to worry. Mankind can't escape Zhenxiang's law. Now they are shouting that I want to be single all my life and devote my life to the young master. When I meet the girl I like, I change my mouth immediately. I think I can still contribute to the young master after I get married and have children A lifetime. "

"Yes, yes, yes," Ye Xingbei joked, "not only do they devote their lives to their young master, but they can also drag their wives and children together."


Before Gu Qingrun married Ruan Dai, did he turn Ruan Dai to help her look after her children?

"That's a good idea," Gu Jun teased, holding her slender waist, "Those nursery teachers recruited in the past always stare at the men who take care of our family. It is clear that female nursery teachers are more convenient to help you, but they can only put a few male bodyguards to help you look after your children. Ruan Dai has no trouble with Ruan Dai. Ruan Dai is determined to take care of Gu Qingrun. If you don't marry, you won't take care of our family men."

"Wrong!" Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "Gu Qingrun is also a family man!"

Gu Jun chuckled, "that's right, but..."

Before he finished, someone knocked at the door, "Dad? Mom?"

"Little tree?" Gu Jun loosened Ye Xingbei one by one and went to open the door.

"Dad." xiaoshumiao pushed the door in.

Gu Junzhu smiled and rubbed his head: "school is over?"

"Well, Dad, mom," said Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei. Xiaoshumiao went to the crib to see his brothers: "did Xiaoyu and youyou have diarrhea again?"

"No," said Ye Xingbei with a smile, "it's so neat. It's very happy today."

As if in response to her words, two little guys grinned with toothless mouths and scratched with four small hands.

The little tree miao'er grabbed their little hands and kissed them. He was very happy, "great!"

After being intimate with the little fish and youyou for a moment, he stood up and said to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, "Dad, mom, I want to discuss something with you."

"You said." they looked at him carefully.

"Dad and mom, I want brother snow and brother rain to change with rosefinch and Baize, let brother snow and brother rain take care of the little fish and swim, and let rosefinch and Baize follow me," said xiaoshumiao: "I think so. Brother snow and brother rain have experience and are more reliable. Little fish and you can't talk and don't understand. I think brother snow and brother rain take care of them. I'm more relieved."

"When I was a few years old, rosefinch and Baize grew up with me. I am sensible and not easy to be fooled by them. I think this arrangement is better."

"Dad, mom, what do you think?", the fastest update of the webnovel!