You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6871

"Then call them over and ask," Yue ya'er said. "Ask them if the little fish and youyou eat indiscriminately, and you'll know what's going on."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "after tossing all night, I haven't taken care of it. When the little fish and swim better, Gu Junzhu will certainly check it."

"Yes," Yue ya'er smiled. "I'm worried. I can think of it. The fifth master can think of it. I don't need to remind."

"No," said Ye Xingbei with a smile, "three cobblers, top Zhuge Liang, what if he didn't think of it?"

"The fifth master of your family is not a smelly cobbler," Yue ya'er joked. "How can there be such a handsome smelly cobbler?"

"That makes sense!" Ye Xingbei chuckled. "Grow up like the fifth master of our family. You can start your career in situ at any time. You don't have to be a smelly cobbler."

"Yes!" Yue ya'er agreed, "yes!"

Gu Wuye, who was discussed by them, is now in his study.

Rosefinch, Baize, Mingyin and Jinge stood in line in front of the desk. The javelin was as straight as a javelin, and the atmosphere dared not go out.

Gu Junzhu took a pen in his hand and played carelessly: "last night, the little fish and youyou had diarrhea..."

The four people who were already very nervous were even more nervous.

Gu Junzhu looked at the oldest rosefinch among the four: "rosefinch, did the little fish and youyou eat anything you shouldn't eat yesterday?"

The rosefinch turned pale and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Gu Junzhu raised his eyebrows: "did they eat? What did they eat?"

Although the rosefinch didn't speak, his expression had told him that the little fish and youyou ate something they shouldn't eat yesterday.

If you didn't eat it, the rosefinch wouldn't look like it now.

He would immediately distinguish anxiously, saying that the little fish and youyou didn't eat disorderly, rather than now.

The rosefinch's face was white and his lips trembled.

Gu Jun frowned one by one: "for your sake of being young, I'll give you three seconds. If you don't answer, get out of the house!"

He really gave him another chance for the sake of the young rosefinch.

If it was his other men, he asked something so hesitantly that he immediately told them to pack up and go away!

The rosefinch's face turned whiter.

Do you want to say?

To say that is to betray my brother.

But if you don't say it, you will betray your master!

Which is more serious?

Betraying the master is more serious!

However, he doesn't want to betray his brothers!

He knew that he didn't have much time. If he hesitated, he would leave his family.

He doesn't want to leave.

Before three seconds passed, he made a decision and said in a hurry, "I said! It's my fault! It's my bad! I ate ice cream for the little fish and youyou!"

His voice was very urgent and trembled: "sorry, I didn't mean it. I just... I just think ice cream is delicious. Little fish and youYou are very curious. They shout at me. I think they want to eat, I just... I just..."

Gu Jun looked at him one by one for a moment and looked at Baize: "the rosefinch said that he fed the little fish and youyou ice cream. What did you do when he fed the little fish and youyou ice cream?"

"They stopped, but I didn't listen!" said the rosefinch in front of Baize.

Gu Jun frowned one by one, "palm mouth!"

The rosefinch trembled, bit his teeth, and slapped himself in the face.

Gu Junzhu didn't stop, he kept fighting.

The bodies of Bai Ze and Ming Yin and Jin Ge trembled with the loud slap in the face., the fastest update of the webnovel!